Public freakouts

By BrakesNotBumpers - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Reading

Today, I was rear-ended. While I was yelling, "WHAT THE F...?" the lady who hit me completely freaked out and drove into me again. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 752
You deserved it 2 487

Top comments

Common courtesy is to take someone to dinner before the rear ending. This lady needs to learn some manners!


I have a friend from Massachusetts, he's always saying something along the lines of "everybody here is inbred and too stupid to know how to drive properly". I have to send this to him, lmao, he'll love it.

I wish I saw this earlier but you should tell him "Another Masshole driver"

Guess she thought the gas pedal was the brake?

She is just making sure she rear ended it perfectly

Well that women needs to know how to use the breaks then?

It was probably my mom. She's been known to do that lol.

I saw that happen yesterday! If you are in florida I may have seen your accident!