Math major

By idiots - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I had to explain to a customer that 50% off a $50 item did not make the item free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 897
You deserved it 2 824

Top comments

Math is a skill that not everyone possesses :/.

Common sense is a skill that not everyone possesses


painlessmind 11

So if it was 70% off they would have demanded 20 bucks from you for taking the item from the must have been working at Walmart.

I remember making those same mistakes when I was like 8

2 hours have passed since i first read this and i am still wondering why the f*ck you have 220 "you deserve it" in this fml

Those are the 220 people that have walked into a store and said that 50% off of $50 means it's free.

PSYqualiac 17

I was going to say OP deserves it because they chose to work at that job and should have expected stupidity from customers... then I realized that nobody could expect someone to be that stupid so I voted that OP's life sucks.

saliwells1 18

Four out of three people struggle with math.

Seven fifths of Americans don't understand improper fractions

The customer probably used common core math.

PSYqualiac 17

Common core isn't bad. This was just somebody being an idiot.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

From what I've seen of it, common core math is really confusing, the long way through a problem, and just gives too many extra steps rather than just giving the kid a problem and explaining how to solve it the normal way. Because I think in common core you've got to guesstimate the answer first, then do this drawn-out process trying to solve it. I suck at math and I know if I'd been taught that way, I'd be even farther behind than I am now. My mom is a teacher and she also hates common core - says it makes everything more complicated than it should be and it confuses the kids.

Is that what 50% off $50 is?? I wasn't sure. however with tax you are looking at closer to $55. Depending on the tax rate where you live.

Probably just a way to get out of stealing when you asked the person

I wondered that too. I also wondered if it was some ploy to try and get a discount, some people are that ridiculous that they try and talk a price down in a retail store.

I think this is the first time I've seen a repost on FML