It's a conspiracy!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Medicine Hat

Today, I had to very clearly explain to my mother, in public, why you cannot get cancer from eating too much ketchup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 011
You deserved it 2 503

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Eating too much of something, esp processed foods, can contribute to cancer

mpj13 8

Everything gives you cancer now of days


Too much of anything can be a bad thing, no matter how harmless or commonplace it may seem. Just remember to consume everything wisely and in moderation, and you should be fine.

Really?? I have been avoiding ketchup for so long

I'm sure plenty of others have pointed this out but, ketchup has sugar in it which can lead to pancreatic cancer

Probably has a shit ton of preservatives in it, too.

It seems you have to be some kind of health guru today if you're not going to get all sorts of cancer... I'd rather die ten years earlier than waste the last ten years eating nothing but seaweed.

But it also has lycopene, which is thought to lower risks for certain types of cancer.

Sanch101 7

Various studies have shown eating processed tomato products is likely to reduce the chance of contacting cancer.

off_constantly 8

OP out of curiosity, what did you tell her exactly?

"Mother, for the love of pants, STOP READING THE DAILY MAIL."

GovernorGeneral 8

LOL. People these days...thinking you can get cancer from everything now xD

killingbabyseals 0

Today, I learned that my daughter plans to kill me by giving me cancer and then thinks that I'm stupid and tries to lecture me about how ketchup doesn't give you cancer. FML.

Man, there's theories flying all over the place about what causes cancer. I bet one day we'll look at the news and there will be a story like "STUDY SHOWS THAT EGGPLANT CAUSES CANCER. SAME STUDY ALSO SHOWS THAT LACK OF EGGPLANT CAUSES CANCER."

DarkHelmet 10

You gotta die of something; if it's ketchup, put that crap on everything you like it on. Die Happy!

I though Lycopene is actually GOOD for your body to fight some cancers? Hell, I'm sure too much of anything will kill you in some way.

Sanch101 7

According to a study by US Davis Health Systems eating processed tomato products are more likely to reduce the probability of contracting cancer. the American Institute for Cancer Research backs this up.

In soviet Russia, cancer give you ketchup! :D ....Okay I know those jokes are really old, but I just had to say something corny =w=