Is this seat taken?

By sochunky - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bromham

Today, someone had thrown up onto the last remaining seat on the train. Guess who accidentally sat in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 573
You deserved it 3 503

Top comments

Your FML made me uneasy, but your username made me cringe.


That's why the seat was open !! In my experience, if it's really crowded and you see an open seat that everyone ignores, the probability that there is something wrong with that seat is really high. Keep your eyes peeled and look for vomit, urine, or test the seat to make sure it's not broken.

TheOneNOnlyOne 5

That's messed up that no one on the train told you ?

Well looks like you got into a sticky situation.