Inner voice

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at dinner, my grandmother informed us that my cousin's newborn baby has been having seizures. My verbal filter did not switch on in time and I replied, "It's not a seizure if you're shaking it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 795
You deserved it 44 808

Top comments

snowboarder1417 2

Seems like your brain didn't turn on, let alone a filter


UpYoursInAdvance 0

So What the **** is a verbal filter?'

ILovesMahBridge 0

Wtf is google? Wtf is a googol?

sourgirl101 28

It's thinking before you speak. And saying things in a TACTFUL way. Q: Do you think iicaptain and illmatic2 used their verbal filter before suggesting google and common sense? (: A: no shhhh...

Sumner750 0

nothing... OP just blurted out his thoughts and didn't stop himself

What the **** are magnets and how do they work?

FeedtheBrood 0
de2391 7

i think you are just an evil bitch

#13 Agreed. Verbal filter? Riiight. Thinking before you speak is really not that difficult!

roxyluv 0

I'm guessing the grandma was the one shaking baby maybe unconciously

ptellini 7

Forget verbal filter how about common sense or common decency!

de2391 7

common sense is something that alot of people in todays world do not have anymore

Agreed, 19#. What is happening to today's society... Although I have to say I almost passed out laughing at that, OP.

Wow asshole much? Sometimes people make mistakes so get a life.

Mikehawk182 0

Common sense is not of the common virtue...

you're such an asshole. How is that EVEN funny? Oh right, it's not.

de2391 7

Its's funny at how stupid the op is not the baby