Double standards

By onlywantuanyway - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, my boyfriend again told me how he wants to have an open relationship. Of course, this means he can do what he likes with anyone, but if I so much as kiss someone else, I'm a cheating slut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 132
You deserved it 8 516


You should leave him for someone who wants to have a great relationship with just you and be happy that way.

Sweetie, you need to get out of that relationship before he gives you herpes.

Urpoppy 21

Lose the loser sooner than later.

That's when you put your big girl panties on and leave his ass. The minute he asked you the first time, you should of kicked him to the curb. No relationship is an open relationship. You guys are just **** buddies, but your the one he uses. LEAVE HIM!!!

NiceGuysDoWin 21

No relationship is an open relationship? So if two people are in love, living together, raising a family together, sharing finances, married, and committed to each other, but still decide mutually that they are okay with outside sexual partners, you'd still classify them as friends with benefits? I agree that OP's boyfriend is a schmuck, but to write off all open relationships as fwb is incredibly narrow-minded. There is much more to a relationship than sex, and while there is nothing wrong with sexual monogamy, if it is the only way you can define your relationship, I feel sorry for you.

Dump his ass. No one deserves that kind of disrespect.

nialls_girl 13

Why are you still calling him your boyfriend? YDI. Big time.

Honey, ditch that s.o.b. I don't understand why you haven't already. That's just his way of trying to justify cheating. That's not love.

Tell him it's okay to have an open relationship. So open that you're walking out the open door and he is free to do whatever he wants.

Drop him, he's bad for you, if someone wants to **** everyone he wants but won't let you do the same, he doesn't deserve you. Every relationship is about give and take especially open relationships