Caught in 4K

By Shiet - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Singapore

Today, I found out that people are notified when you list them on Twitter. I've been listing people as "Interesting" and "Stupid". FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 979
You deserved it 22 666

Top comments

YDI, OP. People aren't there for you to sort.

That's why you keep thoughts like that inside your head, OP


Someone explain to me how it's bad to not want to see somebody's posts so you list them as stupid so that you see less of it? Knowing it was private (or thought to be) I say FYL but Y didn't deserve it. That's the end of my rant.

Ok, do you not understand the point of putting people in lists on Twitter? It's supposed to be so you can organize your INTERESTS. Twitter is advertising stuff/accounts to you based off of what you have in those lists, so if you have a list full of stupid people, then you're going to see a bunch of advertisements for things that stupid people would use.

GabbyPLluch88 13

sometimes I don't know what to think. lol