By Ieri - 12/04/2014 21:56 - Albania

Today, I was on a date with my boyfriend. As we walked back home from the cinema, he was checking his phone, when suddenly someone grabbed it and ran off. I had to be the one to go run after the thug because my 23-year-old boyfriend froze on the spot, crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 994
You deserved it 5 664

Ieri tells us more.

Hey OP here o/ Lots of these comments cracked me up, you guys are awesome xD So here's the follow up: In the end someone who saw what happened grabbed the guy and we could get the phone back (Yes, an iPhone) but he ran away, though it doesn't matter anymore. In response to the comments: 1.I didn't expect him to run after the thug just because he's male, I understand why he'd freeze up, I just didn't expect he'd start crying without saying a word and it was kinda embarrassing. 2.Yeah probably going after him wouldn't have been the safest thing to do, but caught in the spur of the moment that was all I thought to do. And calling the police wouldn't help where I am, they're practically useless -.- Calling for a robbed phone would do nothing. 3.I'm not breaking up with him just because of that, I love him, things happen, I'm not that shallow. Thanks for your comments anyway xD

Top comments

xChaos 29

This shows who has more balls between you two


Did you catch the guy? Man your boyfriend need to grow a pear props for going after him though

I know I already liked your comment, but your response was more amusing than the FML and I appreciate your wit #44 :D

Oh thanks a lot, #48. :) Here is an internet waffle for you. >(^_^)>#

The crying bit was a bit uneccesary (spelling?) of him, but he can't help it that he froze. I guess the robbery shocked him. Running after someone also isn't always the best option, might be dangerous. The comments telling the boyfriend should "grow a pair" or something like that are silly. He isn't less of a guy because of this.

#32 it is necessary to have one Collar and two Sleeves (1 C, 2 S) (spelling!!)

thats great, I've never heard that before.

#40 Thanks! :) English isn't my first language and I always struggle with words like those. This will make it easier to remember.

all of you that say good for her going after him are idiots, what if he had a gun or knife and she got hurt. then you would be saying what a whole bf for getting his bf hurt. it's just a phone. bigger thing is why was he on it instead of paying attention to her.

I agree that running after a (possibly) armed robber isn't always the best of ideas. However Ithere are tons of good reasons he might be on his phone right after watching a movie. He could be checking the bus schedule to see when the next bus home was. He could be checking if he missed any important calls during the movie. He could be verifying some information about the movie that they were (both) curious about (actors, songs, etc). He could be opening the camera on his phone to take a picture of him and his gf. Who knows? So I wouldn't go so far as saying it's a problem to be on your phone when your gf's around.

I understand not chasing the guy. He could have a gun or be crazy on drugs. However; the crying was childish boy or girl. I would be upset but not CRY over a stolen phone and I'm a girl. For the crying alone I agree with the commenters that said things about "growing a pair". I say grow up. Crying over small material items is childish.

omg, was your boyfriend okay? did you get him some vagisil for for his pussy?

Han15 4

we now know who the man is in your relationship lel

wow, something about you feels amazing . wanna go out sometime ?

why do people vote down some of these comments? they aren't bad, just people speaking their minds. quit being rude little brats.

When you post something on the internet, you expose yourself to negative comments or criticism. Don't like it? Don't go on the internet. It's as much everyone's right to criticize as it is your right to post your opinion. No rudeness involved there unless either party uses derogatory language.