By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 16:31 - United States

Today, I found out why my boyfriend gets so upset when I make jokes about him and his best guy friend being lovers. It's because they are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 668
You deserved it 9 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments


WrKing1 0
manoverboard 0

It's guy love, between two guys. :D

You know what they say. Virginia is for lovers! lol p.s. I'm from Virginia too.

Theguybehindyou 0

YDI for making fun of him in the first place.

girlwhoactshigh 0

59 that was brillant XP this fml is perfect for GUY LOVE the SONG XD why didnt I think of that?

here's a little self esteem booster for you. some people make fun of this saying you "turned" them gay. but this is totally ridiculous because one person cannot turn another person gay. the way people should look at this is that your boyfriend "pretended" to be straight to be with you because you're so awesome =D most people that comment on fml are totallly insensitive and mean so here's to cheer you up!

oh that's so cool...but actually someone can turn another person like that. i guess you can argue that you're born gay, but it can also be psychological. like when a guy is depressed, chances of him falling off are higher, but i'm not tyring to get into the psych behind it

You have a point, 74... but... falling off of what? I think you forgot to finish out your thought there. You can be born gay, and you can turn gay, and you can be born straight, and turn straight, and so on. The human mind is an amazing little buddy that lets us change our being given the will power... but I doubt people rarely have the will power, so I think that more people are just born into their orientation rather than decided into. But of course, nothing says the "boyfriend" is completely gay, even if he is lovers with his best guy friend. Maybe he is bi? Either way though, FYL. He has no right to get upset over the truth, and over his own damned fault (the cheating, I mean). You're the one with that right. Hope you dumped him. That's like... some movie I saw where this guy cheated on his wife with another woman, then married that other woman, then cheated on the other woman with yet another woman. The first other woman got severely pissed off, but she had no right because she did that to someone else herself. Maybe not exactly like that, but either way he has no right to have ever gotten upset. If it bothered him so damn much, he should have just left for him.

zrhcrx 0

Well don't get into the psych behind it because you're wrong. The American psychological association has stated for a while that human sexual orientation is unchangeable. So stop talking out of your ass.

Yes, and Americans are the medical experts of the world and they get everything right 100% of the time. =D

They don't actually -turn- gay/straight. Like I was REALLY down a bit ago about how certain girls can be cruel. I ended up flirting with guys but that was just flings. I and they knew that I'm actually gay and am just not actually interested. And I know lots of straights who go through the same thing and say "I'M JUST GOING TO GO GAY." But they don't actually. They just go through a healing process.

ok considering the fact that you said American in such a sarcastic comment i would assume that if another country said it is not a choice your mind might be changed. well the health ministries of china and russia both say that it is not a choice, unchangeable and dangerous to try to change

@82: It's impossible to completely predict the ability and limits of the human mind. Example: One would think addiction takes time to get over, but some people can put their addiction down (cig, drink, etc) and completely blank it from their mind. The brain is an amazing tool that can not be reigned-in by simple studies' results. Psychologists know this well, otherwise they wouldn't be constantly going over their own study results and reiterating or changing based on their new research. And of course, maybe they mean "unchangeable" as in they can't change the gene, but they can force themselves to like something they don't. Happens a lot, you know, fooling and convincing yourself into a certain pattern because people won't accept you otherwise.

thats kinda funny 'cause usually girls always jealous of a guy's best friend. shit my sister in law be saying that about my brother and me...but of course its not true. i must say though, i wish me and my best friend were hahaha. at least play around once. but our girls wouldn't like that much