That Friday feeling

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I was fired by one of my bosses for doing something the other boss told me to do. I work for a family company. Turns out my bosses are going through a divorce and will do anything to prove the other wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 643
You deserved it 1 963

Top comments

Tell the wife that the husband said she is terrible in bed. Then tell her you are willing to help prove him wrong.

So? Just go back to that other boss and ask your job back. He or she can prove it was wrong to get you fired ;-)


pinkpillowz 0

I though that this only happened on movies! :0

PhishloverA 14

FYL. You shouldn't have to be put in the middle of things like that

That's not fair that they fired you because of personal issues

A business in New Zealand that fires people on a whim opens themselves up to significant penalties. unless the worker is casual or freelance of course.