Thank you for your service

By alek - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was the waiter for my family at the village inn. It wasn't too bad, until I found out they left me no tip, only a napkin that said, "Get a haircut." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 358
You deserved it 3 750

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Wow. I even got a tip from the parents of my brother's ex-wife (and she hates me). Sucks for you. And get a haircut. Geez. I should get a haircut too.. Hm..

Hey it's your family. When you get home just take a 20 from your mom's purse. Problem solved.

you Americans and your tips... what's with that?? your boss pays you to work! get over it. you don't get tips in Australia. like I said, that's what you get paid for

Unfortunately, in America, since it's pretty much standard practice to tip waiters and waitresses, wait staff is not actually "paid" to work, unless you count $1-2 an hour payment. After taxes, my sister's take home pay was usually less than $3.00 a week. And she's been a waitress for 2 years. She lives on her tips since her wages are nonexistent.

danisx321 2

Okay bud if u must know I'm a waitress and its not like we make a lot each hour. I get paid 3.50 before taxes, so if you think bringing home a 50 dollar paycheck each week is good, u must still live at home with mom.

As an Australian, I'll chip in here. Firstly, we do tip in Australia (unless you're a scumbag), but it's for a different reason. In Australia, tips are included to show your appreciation of service, and are as a bonus for good service, because we have an (almost) acceptable minimum wage for wait-staff. In the US, the minimum wage for that job is either almost nothing, or in a couple of states, actually IS nothing. Your employment is basically a licence to work for tips. If you fail to tip in the US, you can be literally expecting the person to work for free. It's a crappy system, but it's the system that exists. Australians failing to tip in the US is a complete disgrace, and the height of ignorance regarding other cultures.

danisx321 2

Nice to know not all australians are morons.

employees in the restaurant business get paid less than minimum wage by there bossea according to law. they make a l

jowho 0

thumbs up if you agree that @Aussieguy1981 is a prick.. who's prob never had a real Job in his life...

dmmcintyre3 8

They left a tip, just not the money kind.

well it is a tip, not the one you wanted though

crazy17balls 0