No good deed…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I saw someone purposely drive into someone's garbage can with their car. Trying to be nice, I stopped and started to pick it up. As I did, the owner came out of his house and chased me away with a knife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 179
You deserved it 3 987

Top comments

Well that the last time I try to help someone with their trash.

PerditaDessa 38

When you're a member of the FML community, no good deed goes unpunished.


Well that the last time I try to help someone with their trash.

This never would have happened if he had used Glad trash bags. Don't get mad! Get glad!

Well, at least the guy wasn't holding a loaded pistol and yelling, "Garbage day!" at OP.

no one puts their garbage on their lawn

Are you sure about that? You should see my neighbors lawn.... I mean I get that they're hoarders but who really needs a trash bag full of pizza boxes? :/

PerditaDessa 38

When you're a member of the FML community, no good deed goes unpunished.

DontClickOnMe 28

Like always, no good deed goes unpunished I guess. But that was nice of you to do.

mrwilsong 6

As long as you tried to do the right thing karma will reward you

Wow.. Bad luck OP. Good citizenship though!

That's probably why someone is crashing into his garbage on purpose.. Really nice guy haha

Or the guy that drove into it does it on a regular basis and the owner freaked out and thought he could finally scare the guy off (thinking OP was that guy).

I feel so bad for you! You were just trying to be nice