Nice meeting you

By LifeFucksUsAll - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was on a date with a guy, we were sitting in a restaurant having a fairly good conversation, when I had to go to the washroom. I left the table and when I came back, he was gone. Along with my wallet and car keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 538
You deserved it 13 303

Top comments

VanillaTwilight_fml 0

Uhhh, I never would have left my purse and keys.

doodlebug93 0

YDI for leaving your wallet and keys with him. you set yourself up for disaster.


YDI for leaving your personal belongings with a guy you've only just started dating. no matter how trustworthy people seem, i never leave my bag (with my wallet, keys etc in) behind anywhere.

19fml18 0

That's why you bring them with you

FYL but you so deserve that one for leaving your wallet and keys on the table

Report him to the police, you know his name right?

ashleeee 0

lol that is stupid on your part ! that guy just left you high and dry .

If you're a woman, you should totally understand the importance of A) putting all of your valuables in your purse, and B) taking your purse with you no matter who you're with, and where you're going, even if it's to the bathroom. In fact, especially if you're going to the bathroom.


I should have been there. I would have kicked his ass, had a nice dinner with you and took you back to my place to watch kung fu.

Schlampe_34 0

YDI A. because you left your wallet and keys and B. for having an angsty ass emo kid handle. remember: down the river, not across the street.