Happy New Year

By feelin a lil left out - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I found out what it means to be the only single person in my group of friends. They had a New Year's party and didn't invite me, because they didn't want me to "feel alone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 567
You deserved it 1 747

Top comments

You don't deserve to be treated like that, so what if you're single. Your "group of friends" don't really sound like good friends. Good luck OP.


That sucks. I always invite my friends to things, even if I think they can't make it, or might not want to come. I'd rather have my friends decline, than for me to leave them out.

I thought giant New Years Eve parties is one of the best way to hook up with someone?

leogachi 15

@12 If I'm understanding correctly, everyone at the party was a friend of Op's or a significant other of one of Op's friends.

because single people can't have fun regardless of who's there? your friend has issues.

disasterlydeed 26

Op, your friends suck. You don't always need to be with someone to have a good time!

leogachi 15

They don't want you to feel alone so they leave you at home alone? That sounds like a lame excuse they're using to cover up the real reason. Like maybe they thought you'd be a buzzkill because you're the only person without a date. Your friends are either dumb or shitty.

That would make me feel more lonely not even being around my friends. It's not their place to say how you're gonna feel. I'm sorry

Because simply asking the one person with whom such a circumstance is concerned is much more complicated than calculating every apparent or unknown factor in order to read said person's potential mind and make the decision for them. Or, more likely, your friends are just assholes.

Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't have fun.

Guess they didn't think about what you would feel if they didn't invite you OP. Hopefully they realized their mistake and somehow make up for it.