
By Coykoi - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, not only did my boyfriend set my hair on fire, but he attempted to put it out by dumping bong water on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 915
You deserved it 10 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least he tried to put it out, but your boyfriend sounds like an idiot.


jayisacooter 1

WOW - what was reason he was boiling water at that exact moment??? Guess he's a psychic & need needed a good burn!!!

depwraith 7

You're a druggy, who cares? LOL

How the hell did you come to that conclusion?

reddudeover 2

The REALLY hilarious part is you're probably a druggie too. :)

Tbh, I read the phrase "bong water" and hit YDI

She deserves it? Um, who says she was using the bong? Nobody deserves to have their hair set on fire and then grungy water dumped on them.

DaGrimRetard 8

YAY for stoners! I salute my brother for his quick thinking most people would have tried to beat it out.

At least he tried to put you out. Others my not have.

zman28 0

Ya that sucks not did ur hair smell burnt it smelt like pot

*Yeah that sucks not only did your hair smell burned it smelled like pot.