This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By DeanVendetta - 18/06/2016 03:09 - United States - Moss Point

Today, while at work a girl was being interviewed for a pizza delivery position. I overheard a co worker say she was a lesbian, so jokingly I said in a disgusted/surprised voice "oh no, we can't hire a lesbian!". Her girlfriend was sitting 5 feet from me. She was pissed. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 244
You deserved it 121

Top comments

I would be pissed, too. You deserved what happens.


I would be pissed, too. You deserved what happens.

You obviously have no idea how many people that are bigots make "joking" statements about their victim demographic. Or say something ****** up and then say it was a joke or they were being sarcastic.

Jokingly? That isn't funny to anyone!

Really? Not only was that a dumb statement to make regardless- because, you know, she was RIGHT THERE, let alone her girlfriend being there- but I hope you weren't honestly insensitive enough to make this "joke" after the event in Orlando occurred. You may as well have cheerfully stabbed yourself in the hand, OP. YDI.

it's not a damn joke if you're saying something discriminating idgaf how funny you think it is, that is not humorous. you deserve to get the shit kicked out of you.