By mouse_13 - 15/01/2016 06:28 - United Kingdom - Bicester

Today, my fiancée was asleep, so I decided to spoon her from behind and cup her boobs to wake her up nicely. She responded by yelling, "THE TOAST!" and elbowing me in the face whilst still asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 589
You deserved it 5 666

mouse_13_fml tells us more.

mouse_13_fml 9

OP here- really surprised anyone would think this was cruel, as we've ben together for a long time and therefore know each others boundaries! Makes me sad people have to see the negative in something that makes me smile!

Top comments

On the plus side, she'll feel terrible about it for a little while and (hopefully) be extra nice to you the next time you're in bed. *wink


I actually burst out laughing when I read this

mouse_13_fml 9

OP here- really surprised anyone would think this was cruel, as we've ben together for a long time and therefore know each others boundaries! Makes me sad people have to see the negative in something that makes me smile!

nothing wrong with a little boob action lol

mouse_13_fml 9

I did say to wake her up nicely, but I hadn't intended that to mean sex, haha! I simply meant it's nicer to wake up being cuddled that by an alarm!

What happened to nicely saying her name.

People get offended by anything on the internet. Don't let it get to ya

mouse_13_fml 9

Haha I won't, i'd just temporarily forgotten how weird the internet can be...!

ber4fun 23

It's just another memory for you guys to laugh about in the future.

dragoongirl90 34

Don't let the haters get to you, OP. One of my favorite things in the world is to have my boobs touched by the man I love. I just don't have a man to love anymore. Anyway, the point is, boob touching is great.

"What happened to changing things up a little?" Personally, I don't like routine, but I'm still fine with the good intention!

I would say "you didn't deserve it''...

Maybe she was dreaming that you were married and she was about to burn the toast? That must have hurt, but I'm sure she's sorry about it.

Uhh clearly no sex before breakfast, you know the rules

The trouble with trying to wake up people who are asleep is that they actually can thrash out without warning - they could be dreaming of a dangerous situation such as getting into a fight or burning the toast, after all. This is also why it's dangerous to put your hand on a sleepwalker to try to wake them up.

the toast! lol sorry this made my day.

Spooning a nice, relaxing piece of toast before breakfast....Spooning, the breakfast of champions.