By HRomero - 17/10/2016 13:17 - United States - New York

Today, my boyfriend said I didn't give him enough attention because of my busy work life. So… he got me fired. Looks like my calendar is clear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 459
You deserved it 1 335

HRomero tells us more.

Hello all. OP here. First of all thanks everyone for your kind words. I am single and it's gonna stay like that for a while. There were a few signs that he was a little crazy, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Even now that we aren't together, he continues to be crazy. He even put my phone number on social media. So the only option I had was to get rid of ALL social media. The good thing is, I've been catching up on some sleep now that I'm jobless, but I won't be jobless forever. Word of advice...if you get this gut feeling your significant other is cause you might lose your job. Take care y'all.

Top comments

mermaidkeels 26

Tell him you're too busy looking for a job to spend time with him. If he is still your boyfriend, that is.

He's so clingy, Velcro would tell him to loosen up.


That is just absolutely mental. Either he is just so self centred that he would thoughtlessly get you fired or he is mentally unstable. If it is the latter then hope you have gotten free of him. Anyone who would do that needs professional help.

original post needs an update to ex boyfriend

original post needs an update to ex boyfriend