By thefailure - 02/08/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, it was my wedding day, and while I was standing next to my husband in front of all of our guests, I was rocking on my heels because I was nervous. I rocked too far and fell backward. My husband didn't come to help me up. He just said at the top of his lungs, "FAIL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 446
You deserved it 72

Top comments

NGM_47 0

That is like the stupidest thing to say out loud...

Although I laughed quite hard at this FML, it really sucks he didn't pick you up. Haha, this stuff happens in comedies, you'd say, but nooo :D


Lady_Bow 4

Haha sorry, this made me laugh... At least you married a guy with a sense of humor ;)

Your husband's awesome. Don't feel too bad about it... and I'm sure you knew about this kind of stuff if you were marrying him ;P You DID fail, after all. Also, ever think he might be nervous too? Maybe he just wasn't sure how to react. I mean, I see a lot of guys FAINT at their weddings, be glad yours decided to take a different route.

XRiseToFallAgain 0

LOL at that image. Your man's beast, though. :)

Wow I think him saying FAIL to that is pure is still a FYL because he didn't also help you up. :/ I'd be mad if my husband (to be) didn't help me up.

hahaha, thats hilarious. hopefully you didnt get hurt

Sounds like you found yourself a b-tard.... don't worry, I have one too

Lmao, thats awesome. But you know, falling at a wedding is way more common than you'd think. People do this all the time, though it's usually women. But I'm guessing the "FAIL!" is what constitutes the FML :D