By darkestbarbie - 05/04/2012 19:01 - United States - Decatur

Today, I took a pregnancy test. I waited the longest two minutes of my life just to realize I missed the stick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 502
You deserved it 29 332

darkestbarbie tells us more.

Who is to say that I am stupid? Just because I am young does not mean I am stupid. I am not a teen mom. I will take responsibility if I am pregnant. Not just pawn them off on someone else. It's people like you who piss me off.


If you are old enough to get pregnant, you should be old enough to learn how to contol where your pee goes..

SukiIzumi 8

Try peeing in a cup first. Much easier

Dallasluver19 14

That's 2 minutes of your life u wont get back.

marisadc79 0

Seriously? It's pretty well impossible to miss the stick. Gonna seriously hope it's a negative when you figure out how to pee on it right.

chinchillalex 0

maybe you should buy the kind that tells you if it's working and then tells you if you're pregnant

haha wow well now you have a second chance

Yessi_Boo 14

Pee in a cup & dip 2-3 in just to be sure

so are you having a baby congrats or i am sorry, what ever fits best!

I feel your pain. It's actually quite difficult. Just do the disposable cup method lol. Takes longer though.