
By iamatthewroberts - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my grandmother told me that not only does she not accept me as a homosexual man, but that she feels my relationship with a little person is "spitting in God's face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 081
You deserved it 13 203

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Adam_B 0

Just start getting some pamphlets from funeral homes and cemeteries and leve them around the house so she'll find one. Then if she asks you about it, laugh and shrug. Then ask her about the will.

Is any of it true? Your sexual preferences, not your grandmother. Regardless, the elderly tend to be bigots. Don't let it bother you.


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how can you spit in the face of something thats not real?

Don’t be gay and don’t date midgets. Sorry for sounding super Republican, but that’s what I am. I agree with your grandmother.

You’ve heard of the pocket pussy now get ready for... the little person sex toy

Sonotsuave 35

There’s some really bad advice on here lol. All in good fun I suppose. But in all seriousness, I’m sorry and it’s hard when a family member is so bigoted, but you can choose to ignore her views on your own life and go live your life to the fullest. You can’t change or help being gay, and if you have a good loving partner and are happy, then so be it. It’s not her or anyone else’s business, life, or involvement. If you’re close to her, be patient and maybe she’ll come around. In time she might see how hurtful her statements and actions are. If not, then so be it, her loss if she really wants to let her crazy bigotry and religious views interfere with her relationship with her grandson. Good luck