Debate pervert

By Canuckster - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was invited into a group chat on Skype. Everyone ignored everything I said, so I got pissed and started yelling at them. Then I realised my microphone wasn't plugged in right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 761
You deserved it 58 479

Top comments

You know what else happened to your sister 10 minutes ago?

That happened to my sister ten minutes ago.


probably they didn't hear you screaming at them since ur microphone was unplugged

redmnky21 8

thats why u do a mic check lol dumbass

dani212 0

Wow. are you like.... my twin? lol

Shainaxx 4
_michelleeex 0

HEHEHEH everyone probably thought you were playing charades or something. FYL

it would be funny if they heard u yelling