Collector's item

By Shepaintsmusic - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff

Today, an antiques dealer made a joke about chopping off and buying my deformed left hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 753
You deserved it 2 887

Top comments

woodenbo89x 4

Man, that is some off-hand humor.


Well if you got money for it, at least it would finally be of some use to you.

mz_jamaica1 0

you should have made a joke about chopping off her hand and giving it to an armless hobo so he can use it to ********** efficently =)

skyeyez9 24

Tell the antiques dealer that if you get to cut off their head to make one of those voodoo shrunken heads out of it, then its a deal.

justbigbs 6

That is messed up, but out of curiosity how much did it got appraised for? Then again you could of did # 14 said, want a circumcision?

It was a (rude) literary reference to the monkeys paw.

nicolerussell97 0
yolie_fml 0

Jesus! What the hell is wrong with you?

peace_sign 0

wow hope u dont have some freaky deeky disease lol