By Anonymous - 29/10/2014 17:06 - United States

Today, my dad vehemently refused to let me go on vacation to France with my best friend, because he watched Taken a few months ago and apparently forgot that it's just a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 675
You deserved it 4 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kidnapping happens all of the time. You never know, be happy with your dad because he obviously loves you.

To be fair, my parents wouldn't have let me go to France without adult supervision when I was under 18 either.


that stuffs real though. it actually happens. its sad though. hope you get to go to France!

Best friend and her family--probably. Just the two of you?? HELL no! Taken may just be a movie but it's based on events that happen in real life.

Sadly enough, it's NOT just a movie. Things like that really happen

If you're still young enough that you need your parents' permission to go places, it's absolutely reasonable for them to not let you go to another continent with just another girl your age.

malea_17 16

Just because it's a movie doesn't mean it won't happen

itcomesinthrees 10

That sucks. Taken came out a few weeks before I went to Europe and it made my mom very worried, too. But I was 24 at the time and lived in my own place so she couldn't stop me. I just reassured her I'd be extra cautious and check in with her.

tnf0920 9

Seriously? You're obviously not very bright so it's a good thing you're not going. Yes, Taken was just a movie but that crap happens every single not think you'd be an exception..

Yes, it happens. Probably every day. But not just in France. It is sooo American to say something like that. "Oh, we better stay here so we're safe from crazy shit like that." You will never know anything about the outside world if you're too scared to visit it. I'd say the chance she would have an awesome time in France is 99%. At least.

For everyone calling her stupid because it really does happen: Yes it does happen, but that doesn't mean there is a 50:50 chance you are going to get taken. You are more likely to die in a car accident. You can't not do something because of a movie.

I think people are telling her that she's probably not ready to go out in the real world without adult supervision if she thinks Taken is just a movie. Yeah, you shouldn't let it stop you from going out and having fun, but somebody who's responsible enough to go out without adult supervision fully understands that what you saw in Taken really happens.

KatyLarae 13

It's a movie, but that sort of thing happens all the time. He's just looking out for you.

lol yeah it's just a movie, but that shit really does happen. Not just in France either though :-