By Anonymous - 29/10/2014 17:06 - United States

Today, my dad vehemently refused to let me go on vacation to France with my best friend, because he watched Taken a few months ago and apparently forgot that it's just a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 675
You deserved it 4 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kidnapping happens all of the time. You never know, be happy with your dad because he obviously loves you.

To be fair, my parents wouldn't have let me go to France without adult supervision when I was under 18 either.


almost every bad thing you can think could happen to your child happened in that movie and that father was surprisingly calm about it. the worst thing ever is when something bad happens to your child and have absolutely no control over it whatsoever

Even if OP is not under 18 but still lives at home, it still happens no matter what age you are. Remember those girls that went on spring break? Just be happy that your dad cares about your well being.

Sure, we french people are such beasts.

The dad isn't against France specifically. He was against the idea of his daughter leaving the another continent with just her friend. It has nothing to do with what country she is going to.

I am a bit astonished that so many people think that what happened in taken is based on true facts. Do you really think that proxenetes will bother to kidnapped to rich american girls that will be searched for instead of just deport some poor girl with no money/family connections from eastern europe ? The story of rich, white, virgin girls abducted and sold to rich perverts is a myth and nothing else. That beeing said , depending on OP's age and maturity, maybe it is not a bad idea not letting her travel abroad without being supervised by an adult. But OP's dad refusal should not be based on such a cliched and unlikely movie, but the inability of his daughter to take care of herself in a foreign country.

Exactly. People are way more likely to get shot in America than to be kidnapped in France. It's good to be careful, but if you stop doing things after seeing a movie, you won't be doing much in your life. Should I not go to the US after seeing all the violent movies from there? No, that would be quite stupid because the US would still be a fantastic country to visit. Of course, don't go to the very dangerous parts of the world or the "hot" parts of a city when you travel, but you'll be fine in the most visited country of this planet most of the time.

You forget the main point of human trafficking. MONEY. Yes, actually, these criminals would love a rich, white virgin because 1)virgins tend to be worth he most money in the world of human trafficking. 2) more fair skin is seen as more beautiful in many areas outside of America 3)because she comes from a rich background, they would automatically place more value on her. All these things make the girl you are describing a human trafficking criminal's dream. Honey, young Asian aren't the only victims of human trafficking. You must be very uninformed about this issue if you think white girls are less likely to be victimized. Please educate yourself.

This is not all to say "omg never leave your house it's too dangerous" because you should live life as you wish. But, I just felt that I wanted to inform you that white girls are not immune to human trafficking by any means.

Get your facts straight from serious reports and investigations: Nearly all the victims of human trafficking in Western Europe come from eastern Europe (last time I went there, they seemed white enough to me) and Africa. Human traffickers target the weaks, most of the time they don't need to abduct them: they just lure them with fake promises (wedding, employ....), or buy them from their family, introduce them illegally in another country where the victims will be afraid to go to the police because they are illegal immigrants. They know there will be no serious investigation because the victim has no family or her/his family has no money/is threatened..etc... That's why abducting a rich american girl, which family will make pressure on the embassy and spend a lot of money to look for their child, is highly improbable. It makes me sad that people are disposed to think such silly stories as “taken” or “hostel” are likely to happen or even a commonplace in Europe, whereas the true scandal is the exploitation of the poor and the weak. I can’t say for sure that the story in “taken” never-ever happened, but I read at least 20 reactions saying “it happens every day”. People, before being afraid of your own shadow, just go on some official website for travelers (you know like the one from the US government for example). Go to “France” and read. They write about pickpockets, muggers, highjacking in shady area and such but no mention of kidnapping. Yes, tourists can be targeted, but more often for their money than for their body…. So for people that base their knowledge about another country on a film, stay in the USA where the murder rate is least 4 times higher than in France and Slovakia (you know, the place where “hostel” is supposed to take place), and the probability of dying in a car accident 2 times higher. For the others, after following some basic and not so constraining rules , welcome!

I do see your argument, and I thank you for being actually informative, I do not base mine off of movies. I know most of the time it is young girls sold by families because the families needs money or some type of resource that they will get as dowry from the marriage. I just felt that in your first comment you were saying that rich young girls had nothing to worry about ever, but my mistake. Sorry for calling you uninformed because I've seen that it's actually the opposite.

Axel5238 29

Whether or not OP is too young to travel alone is one thing, but as juju said unable to take care of ones self abroad. A lot of people are unaware of things that happen in other countries and the potential risk. Also, OP may have done a few things to put the fathers mind into question whether or not she could be trusted far away from home.

Anything could happend. Altleast hes looking out for you

momac86 17

Don't be stupid it does happen all the time that's why they made a movie to show it

Obviously, selling tickets had absolutely nothing to do with it.

wow. I guess all of you home school your children and never let them leave the house, because you know, things happen. This is an absolutely ridiculous reason not to let your child experience life and other cultures because you saw a movie where a girl was kidnapped.

And I hope their home is accident proof as well because you are way more likely to die of an accident in your own home than to be kidnapped or murdered in Europe.

You should remember that taking a trip in a foreign country is no joke. It's not America and its easy to be taken advantage of.

Yeah buddy, you better stay there on your island to be safe. Oh but don't go to Waipahu - too many Filipinos there. Stay away from Waikiki too, to avoid dem Japanese tourists. Not to mention Chinatown! Better stay with other Americans so you don't get taken advantage of. Seriously. I wish I could downvote you 100 times.

My dads the same only with our Spanish class trip to Spain. I feel you OP