By Anonymous - 29/10/2014 17:06 - United States

Today, my dad vehemently refused to let me go on vacation to France with my best friend, because he watched Taken a few months ago and apparently forgot that it's just a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 675
You deserved it 4 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kidnapping happens all of the time. You never know, be happy with your dad because he obviously loves you.

To be fair, my parents wouldn't have let me go to France without adult supervision when I was under 18 either.



It's dumb people like you who get kidnapped

I got parental permission to take a school trip to Europe. My dad (who had seen Taken before) then showed it to my mom (who didn't know the movie)..... She then revoked my permission

Yeah... Cuz sex traffickers aren't real at all... Totally made up. Yup. Definitely. Keep telling yourself that.

Juat a movie, but these things do happen.

Your dad made the right decision. You never know right.

actually sex trafficking in europe is quite high, your dad is smart. oh boo hoo no France for you. pfft

Be happy. Shows how much he doesn't want you to be kidnapped and forced to be a sex slave. Seriously though kidnapping is scary and I don't blame him

404wan 19

its girls with and attitude like yours that get taken. kidnapping is real, sex slavery is very ******* real. don't share a cab, be careful.

Well, kidnapping and sex trafficking are very real, not just things seen in TV and movies.