By Anonymous - 29/10/2014 17:06 - United States

Today, my dad vehemently refused to let me go on vacation to France with my best friend, because he watched Taken a few months ago and apparently forgot that it's just a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 675
You deserved it 4 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kidnapping happens all of the time. You never know, be happy with your dad because he obviously loves you.

To be fair, my parents wouldn't have let me go to France without adult supervision when I was under 18 either.


tehdarkness 21

It's not just a movie, Hun. You need to protect yourself at all time. Even when in your own city! Perhaps you can educate yourself on the dangers and demonstrate to your dad that you will be aware at all times!

He forgot? Did he think that he watched a documentary lol

In Taken 3, it's Neeson's dog that will get kidnapped. In the 5th movie, it will definitely be his random neighbour.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Wait, what? Taken is just a movie? but in all serious, that's unfortunate and it sucks you can't go but your Dad is just looking out for you!...

your dad is a good dad. I completely agree with him. that stuff does really happen

Mortoli 30

Under 18 hell no I don't care if my kid goes with adult supervision of any kind of course unless its me. Lol. If I ever have plans to have kids that is. Or get lucky enough to get a girlfriend. Let alone married. But seriously you never know what could happen. After all those taken movies may be fiction but it doesn't mean that doesn't happen. The real world lot worse than most movies you see. Lol. And nazis feel free to correct me if you would like to.

That suucks but at the same time, I understand your dad. Taken IS just a movie but the storyline does hold some truth. Kidnappings/sex trafficking like that happen everywhere more often than many of us realize. As upset as you may feel, just be glad your dad cares about you to look out for your well being.

Trust me, daddy's doing you a huge favor.

Hate to break it to you, but that actually happens all of the time....

i agree with your dad, it's not just a movie, that stuff does actually happen in real life. i wouldn't let my daughter go to France either.