By Tryingmybest - 14/07/2016 21:44 - Japan - Akita

Today, I'm studying abroad in Japan. For the first time, I had to ride the train home from school alone. My host sister told me which train and the time it left. I sat down on the train, feeling proud of myself when I realized she didn't tell me what stop was ours, and I barely speak Japanese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 261
You deserved it 1 713

Tryingmybest tells us more.

Hey! OP here. Thanks for your concern, everyone! ありがとう! So what happened was my school is an hour away from my host family's home, and I've only taken it a few times so far with my host sister. So I really panicked when I got on the train and forgot what number our stop was! And my wifi doesn't work here, so Google Translate was a no go. So I sort of just sat there quietly panicking for an hour. Luckily, I have taken a year of Japanese and was able to ask some basic questions, and the announcer said the name of my town at least five times before we arrived, so in the end all was okay! Also, Japan is awesome.

Top comments

That's tough. I hope you recognized something and got to where you needed to go


I took 12 credits of Japanese in college before traveling to Japan. It was helpful but not it was nowhere near enough to converse with any fluency.

This is how the protagonist of most anime series starts off, don't worry, i'm sure fate has something interesting lined up for you!

If you barely speak Japanese, why are you studying in Japan?

ollygollymolly 6

In quite a few countries upper level courses (think graduate studies) are taught mostly in English at international universities.

"Eigo o hanashimasu ka?" < The only japanese I know.

Watashi wa kōhī ga hitsuyō. The only Japanese I know lol.

ollygollymolly 6

If this happens again and you have any money at all to spend you can subscribe to public wifi and message her. I'm guessing you got home okay! Sorry this happened to you. I was going from Hatch to Tokyo and the train stopped because of a fire on the tracks. Had no idea what station I was at or where to switch trains or even what was going on! Took a couple hours for me to sort myself out.

that's why it's great that everybody has a cell phone these days seriously I went to China on business a few years ago and the cell phone save my ass over and over again i would get into a csb call one of my English-speaking office mates and hand the phone to the taxi driver

I understand just how scary it is to try traveling in Japan! Haha I got on the train one time and saw the train map and felt complete despair wash over me XD have fun in Japan!