
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lewisville

Today, my boyfriend got pissed off and is now sulking, all because I didn't make a huge deal out of our one-month "anniversary". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 571
You deserved it 3 795

Top comments

What's his definition of a "huge deal"? I think going to the movies or something is perfectly reasonable for 1 month.

I wonder what he's expecting when you hit one year...


Drop him like it's hot. I know it's hard-but it's for the better

8313girl 28

I think doing the 'monthiversary' thing is pretty cute. I knew a coworker who had been married a long time and they've been celebrating their monthiversaries ever since they started dating. I think the boyfriend should have explained that he wanted to celebrate them being together every month instead of once a year.

dman798 18

If he's that wrapped up in a one month, then he probably isn't worth it

It's best if you call this off right now before it gets worse.

imvacca 7

He's just wanting attention, just do something to please him OP

leogachi 15

@41 Never reward negative behavior. Every time he wants something, he'll sulk until he gets his way.

1 month isn't anniversery an anniversery is something that happens once a year

tarlax 11

Um, that's why OP put it in quotation marks. You're not telling anyone anything they don't already know.

Maybe he assumed that's how it was happening, many couples do the 1 month anniversaries so it's easier to remember, don't be harsh, just talk about it to him OP, jeez.

But you just said it; the boyfriend "assumed." He then continued to pout about it when his girlfriend didn't make a big deal of it, even though she didn't even know they were going to be celebrating it. If it was that important to him, he should've talked to her about it beforehand and they both could've planned something. A lot of people don't celebrate every month they're together (or even the first month they're together) so it's ridiculous for him to have just assumed that they would and then get upset and sulky when she didn't. Op didn't make this a big deal, he did.