Grind away

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Italy - Genova

Today, I got stuck in the elevator at work. When I was finally let out, my boss decided I shouldn't get a lunch break, because I'd already had over an hour off work while in the elevator. I had to starve through 5 more hours of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 610
You deserved it 1 857

Top comments

Your boss is a dick! Can't you make a complaint about him? :L


crackajak 15

"Starve", that's a strong word for going 8 hours without food. White people problems are the worst.

leogachi 15

@25 Way to turn a slight exaggeration into a race issue.

laserlady7 14

Guess you'll take the stairs next time

saffy66 34

Should have let you go home there and then because of the trauma of being stuck in the elevator.

corky1992 33

Pretty sure most jobs wouldn't let you go home for that lol.

If you are claustrophobic, an even like that could cause copious amounts of stress and warrant taking the rest of the day off. Even if you're not claustrophobic, being trapped in an elevator would be scary. Not knowing when you will be rescued, wondering if the elevator is going to break and plummet you to your death (yes, too many movies, but it could still create a panic worthy situation)

SexxiKitty 20

To those of you saying that it is illegal for an employer to do: it isn't; however, it is very unethical. Employers are only required to offer their employees one 30 minute brake (lunch) and one 15 minute brake if they work 5 - 8 hours in a day but obviously an employer can offer longer/more frequent brakes if they feel so inclined. If you spend your brake time(s) trapped in an elevator, while unfortunate for you, does not mean your boss is obligated to give you another break unless you suffer from a serious medical condition that will cause you physical harm if you don't eat or drink, such as diabetes. I'm sorry though, OP. I do hope you weren't too uncomfortable throughout the rest of the day. :(

Sorry, but I had to laugh at your usage of the word "brake"

corky1992 33

First off its break not brake and I think it depends on the state or country. Even if the employer was late whether it was out of their control or not it is illegal in most places to be denied a lunch break.

Considering op normally would have had a lunch break, op most likely works more than 5 hours a day, so op has every right to a lunch break. Also, even if you work lesser hours, an employer cannot deny you a normal break.

leogachi 15

@31 Op didn't choose to be trapped in an elevator. He wasn't on break, therefore can't be denied his lunch break.

If you are entitled to a break, for how long the break is, if it is a paid break, how many hours you must work before you are entitled to a break, all depends on the labour standards, and the company you work for. The labour standards give you the minimum, and the company either offers you that, or more. Regardless, being trapped in an elevator should not count as a lunch break. It's not like OP got stuck in there on purpose.

corky1992 33

Your boss sounds like a dick. It seems like there are a lot of posts on here about bosses on power trips. If your break is unpaid then you'd think he'd be okay with having to pay you even less since you had already missed an hour.

You could have had something delivered. That way, you can keep working and get food.

That way maybe he would have to pay a lot more than if he could take his regular break.

leogachi 15

@42 So? He'd still get to eat.

#42, of course, and yes it's unfair that his boss is a total fuckstick. However, there's really no alternative besides going hungry, and it would at least just be a one time thing (unless of course the lifts in his building are incredibly shitty).

I think it depends on what his job is though. If he's doing a desk job, maybe yeah. But I used to clean rooms, which required bringing my supplies up an elevator, but I sure as heck wouldn't be allowed to bring my lunch around on the cart or grab a quick bite while scrubbing a toilet. So ordering and eating while working isn't always an option :/

corky1992 33

A delivery charge really isn't that much, so idk how you're thinking he'd be spending a lot more than usual unless they ordered from a place that required like $15 purchase before they deliver then yeah, but it's still better than going hungry.

skyttlz 32

At my job I've gone 8 hours without a break

leogachi 15

@40 That doesn't make Op's day any less awful.

This isnt a "my life is worse than yours" thing. Btw, if you live in the states, preeetttyy sure thats illegal.

skyttlz 32

It's absolutely illegal and I don't know how they've been getting away with it for so long. It's just a fast food place so there's no higher ups and basically if we're not happy we can leave. I've been trying my heart out to find a new job that treats employees better but it's hard. I've had coworkers that have gone 7, 8, even 9 hours without a break.

Sucks you got stuck in the elevator, but Im sure you didnt die from starvation by missing a lunch break. Did you not bring a lunch or have someone pick up something for you to eat while working? I dont get a lunch break, I eat while I can while working - may take 2 hrs to have a sandwich but I do it

Are there no labor laws at where you live?

corky1992 33

No, but they still shouldn't have to go hungry. That's the point. Most places can't legally deny lunch. Maybe the company doesn't allow you to eat at your desk then they wouldn't have the option of having someone just bring them some food.