By fmlsrsly - 25/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor to find out why I've been feeling so sick the past several weeks. Turns out, I'm severely allergic to the cat of my girlfriend of two years. I told her "It's me or the cat." She chose the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 436
You deserved it 30 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a bit selfish of you. There are such things as allergy medicine. To some people, their pets are like their children. And for you to make such an ultimatum is an asshole move. Good job.

jesslackszazz 0

To be honest, i'd choose the cat as well.


Yea i agree with above. Way too extreme you should have tried to work something out calmly

omg i cant belive the assery of you people. its a freaking cat. an animal. an animal that hunts. animals that hunt belong outside. they are not children. allergies are serious. you don't just suck them up and you don't intentionally expose yourself unless ur doctor is doing a controlled therapy to strengthen your immunity. granted, cats may be more depended upon to not break up w u or watever, but seriously, it's a cat. a cat. people are so much more valuable than cats. im disgusted.

qwertyuiop8989 0

A lot of girls are very attached to their ******* so it'll be difficult to get rid of them.

Dude don't feel bad. It's always "the cat" when you make a choice of "or else." I say give it a week or two, then she'll come back. :)

if a guy made me choose between my dog and him, i'd choose my dog. wtf. good move of her, still sorry about the break-up. next time don't make her choose and take medicine or just avoid the pet.

well a pet becomes a part of the family and that would be like kicking a son/doughter out just cuz u wanted to have a boyfriend.. u know what i mean... but sry bout the brake up

Cloudy_fml 0

Yes @ #20 & #70 That's the first thing that came to mind for me upon reading it.

i've chosen my pets over guys alot. its your own fault you don't make someone choose something like that unless your prepared to be out on your ass

Wow, what a stupid bitch. I'm sorry lady but your dumb cat is going to be dead in like 7 years anyway. Anyone that would choose an animal over a human being deserves to be alone forever.