By fmlsrsly - 25/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor to find out why I've been feeling so sick the past several weeks. Turns out, I'm severely allergic to the cat of my girlfriend of two years. I told her "It's me or the cat." She chose the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 438
You deserved it 30 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a bit selfish of you. There are such things as allergy medicine. To some people, their pets are like their children. And for you to make such an ultimatum is an asshole move. Good job.

jesslackszazz 0

To be honest, i'd choose the cat as well.


wtf, why would you just be like "I'M ALLERGIC TO YOUR PET THAT YOU LOVE DEARLY SO CHOOSE ME OR IT." ummm...if a guy was that insensitive i'd choose the ******* cat too. you should've told her about the allergy and thought of a way to compromise. she may have consented to locking the cat up and cleaning when you came over, or shaving it, or something. you fail.

#87 An indoor cat is not going to adjust to being outside. Try to actually HAVE a pet.

If I had to choose my cat or my boyfriend (well I don't have one ahhahaha FML) but I'd choose my cat. I wouldn't give her away for anything. Why would you make her choose?

kdbattista 0

"That was a bit selfish of you. There are such things as allergy medicine. To some people, their pets are like their children. And for you to make such an ultimatum is an asshole move. Good job." The ultimatum was a bit of dick move, but you clearly have no idea how serious cat allergies can be. If the Dr. tells him he is severely allergic, allergy meds may be of no help. I am moderately allergic and taking two different kinds of allergy meds a day is enough to take the edge off when I go into a cat owners house. It doesnt help completely and they may not work forever.

Even if u were my HUSBAND... i would pick the cat, no matter how much i loved u i will always love the cat more... : (

THANK YOU #97 everyone needs to stop being such jerks about this. i would do the same thing for my cat. you must have treated her like crap if she chose a cat over you but honestly people need to stop freaking out. animals are amazing creatures and for some people like me, they have all the same rights as humans have. so chill. just because you don't agree with this doesn't mean you need to be rude.

you're an asshole for asking her to choose.... ever consider her needs/wants?

lifesabit 0

Ultimatums always fail. Always. Especially when there are things such as.... I dunno compromises... And also another thing I don't get.... he has been dating her for two years and all this time he has never been bothered by cat dandruff, the cat.... w/e? And now it seriously bothers him so he issues the ultimatum? Not sure about that.

crowdish 0

Whenever told that I have to choose between somebody and something else, I always choose the one who is not making me choose. Unfortunately, in this situation, it was the cat :/ Couldn't you have tried to make a compromise instead of giving her an ultimatum?

And that is you never say "X goes, or I go." I'd be inclined to go with the party that didn't put all that on me, too. You could have been mature about it and had a discussion about what to do, but instead you pull the douche move. Allergies suck, but having someone you've been with for two years force you to make such a hard decision cuts far deeper. No wonder she chose the cat over you. Particularly since it sounds like while you're allergic to cats, you don't have a life-threatening allergy to them. Thus there was room to find an alternate solution. But hey! At least now she has a good companion for the next 15-20 years =D