By fmlsrsly - 25/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor to find out why I've been feeling so sick the past several weeks. Turns out, I'm severely allergic to the cat of my girlfriend of two years. I told her "It's me or the cat." She chose the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 438
You deserved it 30 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a bit selfish of you. There are such things as allergy medicine. To some people, their pets are like their children. And for you to make such an ultimatum is an asshole move. Good job.

jesslackszazz 0

To be honest, i'd choose the cat as well.


Dude, what a bitch. Consider that a bullet dodged.

SimpleIdiot 0

dude never give that kind of ultimatum wat? give the cat to the shelter to be put down in like 2 days? damn.....

AllieCat999 0

Never come between a girl and her cat.

never come between a woman and her cat. lol

Should have gotten an allergy shot douchebag.

brcck 0

You deserve it for thinking you can take on the cat. You're not a cat, are you? He wins. Always.

foryoublue94 0

wow..... poor kitty. Allergy meds, don't go to her house......... Don't ever make your significant other chose something like a pet over you =/

ashleyy_fml 0

Man up and just get allergy shots. That's a pretty horrible ultimatum you gave her, she's obviously going to choose her pet.