By fmlsrsly - 25/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor to find out why I've been feeling so sick the past several weeks. Turns out, I'm severely allergic to the cat of my girlfriend of two years. I told her "It's me or the cat." She chose the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 436
You deserved it 30 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a bit selfish of you. There are such things as allergy medicine. To some people, their pets are like their children. And for you to make such an ultimatum is an asshole move. Good job.

jesslackszazz 0

To be honest, i'd choose the cat as well.


first it's called allergy pills genius...second its an airfilter/purifier purchase just made the number one rookie mistake in dating...not looking for a compromise

paniclovie 0

if her cat was like her child to her, then you're an ass who got what was coming to him. if she wasn't that fond of her cat, then good for you that you only wasted two years with her and not more.

You're a jackass and you deserved that 100%. Learn to take Benadryl or something, but it's unbelievably selfish of you to demand that she give up a loved pet for you. I'm glad she chose the cat. I would have done the same. @ #74: The more time you spend around an animal you are allergic to, the better your allergies get. I used to be deathly allergic to cats and now I have 2. My allergies are completely gone.

dude my dad and my sister are both allergic to cats and both have owned cats fro years stop being a whiny pussy

Carlynator09 0

I agree I would have chosen the cat too. I'm a huge animal lover and am even considering working in an animal shelter someday and I can't deal with someone that can't handle that. I got a kitten, Lucy for my 15th birthday and I can't imagine having to give her up, I love her. My mom is allergic to cats and we have 2, she's on meds and is getting shots, my boyfriend is allergic to exhaust fumes and cats, he comes to my house and is fine and he works in an auto shop, people deal with stuff, you should too, like 78 said you become somewhat immune, thats what happened to them, suck it up no one likes a whiner

I feel for you that it would hurt having someone choose their cat over you. Perhaps, if she preferred the cat to you, you are well rid of her. On the other hand, saying "the cat or me" sort of implies you are prepared to break up with her as well. If you didn't want to break up with her, maybe you shouldn't have given her that option... Instead, work out what result you really want, and then work towards that. Oh, and one more thing: a "compromise" (which is how all decisions involving more than person are made) is a decision in which everyone gets at least one thing that is important to them.

shiie 0

#80: Your mom goes through all this trouble you can have your little Lucy. Any meds are always something that shouldn't be in a human in the first place; I guess this is hard for Americans to understand, but meds shouldn't always be your first choice and solution to everything. #78: I have several different severe allergies. When exposed to each trigger, my throat usually swells nearly shut, my eyes turn red, itchy and teary and my mouth and hands swell. If you are seriously suggesting that I should be near any of my allergy triggers, I would like to tell you to sod off.

Minstrels 0

You gave her an ultimatum. It's your own damn fault. You could have told her what went down, and tried to do something before you went to the extreme, but you didn't. I'd have picked the cat too.