By fmlsrsly - 25/03/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor to find out why I've been feeling so sick the past several weeks. Turns out, I'm severely allergic to the cat of my girlfriend of two years. I told her "It's me or the cat." She chose the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 436
You deserved it 30 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a bit selfish of you. There are such things as allergy medicine. To some people, their pets are like their children. And for you to make such an ultimatum is an asshole move. Good job.

jesslackszazz 0

To be honest, i'd choose the cat as well.


Maybe she was really a lesbian. She chose pussy over dick.

notnormal 0

I would've chosen the cat over a guy. Without a second thought.

whaddup_sir 0

Uhm , why didn't you just tell her that the cat is making you sick instead of immediately giving her a stupid ultimatum ? All your fault , my friend .

I'd have chosen the cat too, you dick. take some zyrtec.

nofistsinfights 0

If any man gives any woman an ultimatum, he is NOT worth it. Men that are worth it will figure out a happy medium.

Yeah, I am going to be honest. I'd chose the cat, too. If you really loved her you'd stick it out, take some medicine and/or find a compromise. Pets are basically family... She probably found your demanding request selfish.

well to be honest i would have picked the cat over him too.

I agree with #30. I'm severely allergic to cats. All the medicine in the world won't keep me from stuffing up and getting itchy eyes and the like if there's a cat around. To the OP, I'm not sure what to say. On one hand, I can imagine that it would hurt to be broken up with for a cat. On the other hand, if you're not willing to put up the the allergies, I don't really see much of a way to make it work. Her only going to your place won't stop it because of the cat's dander on her clothes. It kind of seems like a no win situation to me. Sorry :

Maybe your girlfriends a lesbian,she chose pussy over you.