By Cpm - 01/12/2009 01:55 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend decided we are ready for the next step in our relationship. Apparently that next step is her taking a dump with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 505
You deserved it 5 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This can't be true. Everybody knows that girls don't poop. :P

You should sit on her lap and drop one between her legs. After that she will always close the door and lock it.


sooverit01 0

Some people have no concept of boundaries.

Ah, really? I am so out of date on these things.

ohheykiwi 2

ALL LIES Everybody knows girls don't poop.

Congratulations! Intimacy and trust comes in many forms. Too bad she doesn't have a boyfriend who won't whine on the internet when he discovers that not EVERY aspect of normal relationships is regularly depicted on TV. So, FHL...

That kind of step is not one I would want to ever take either, but I guess people have different comfort levels. I've always wondered how someone can expect the other person to still find them sexy after they've seen them poop though... Have you considered just asking her not to?

Because they don't think of shit in a sexual way, and realize their partner is a human being, not a sex machine. Also they just don't think about their partner taking a shit when they are having sex.

toomanycats 0

The best part is when you're 9 months pregnant, severely constipated and crying b/c of hemmies, and your husband is describing said hemmies to the doctor over the phone. In detail, because you're on your knees so he can get a good look. THAT, is love. ;)

heard something similar before...RFUK? :o

If you don't like her doing that just ask her to close the door.

You know that time has passed, things have changed, and love, its a dying flower. When she comes in to take a shit, while you are in the shower.

LOL. I hate it when someone takes a shit while I'm in the shower. It makes me feel like I'm bathing in poop! So much for my nice smelling soaps. Ughh....Honey, please! Not now! Stop laughing!! Sigh... :D OP: She must feel very comfortable with you. I can talk about crap all day long, but I couldn't poo deliberately in front of anyone. I even use a deodorizing drop in the toilet before and after. So, you can't smell it :D

No wonder we think girls poop butterflies LOL.

LOL. "...poop butterflies." I like that. See it works! ;)

last time I checked, most people poo, But I feel like if you dont do it, maybe she shouldnt either. haha there will be a time when you probably wont care, and if you ever have a kid, goodbye uncomfortable...