By Cpm - 01/12/2009 01:55 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend decided we are ready for the next step in our relationship. Apparently that next step is her taking a dump with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 505
You deserved it 5 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This can't be true. Everybody knows that girls don't poop. :P

You should sit on her lap and drop one between her legs. After that she will always close the door and lock it.


dinovegas2g 0

I agree that's pretty nasty! I like to believe that women don't $hit!(especially pretty ones) Regardless of what anybody may think. If you do.. At least do it when your man isn't present. A dirty a$$ isn't sexy!

It sucks that the two of you aren't on the same page in this relationship. I think my boyfriend is sexy as hell and we fart in front of each other and talk to each other while on the toilet. We are open about everything. IT IS NATURAL TO POOP. Of course there are couples that both agree to not be so forward about personal hygiene...but if she is and you aren't then it isn't going to work.

Different people. Different comfort zones. personally, I always try to be secretive about it. I prefer when no one is home, or go to the farthest bathroom. of course always close the door. D= poops and farts are private in my mind. I prefer not to talk about that, to a boyfriend, husband, mom, father, friend, just no thank you.

Slam the door next time she does this. Do it every time after. It's just ******* stupid.

Ha ha ha ha ha, this is so funny!! I don't leave the door open when I go to the bathroom I don't even like him to come in when I'm peeing, and my husband and I have been married 3 years and he has witnessed me giving birth to his children but I'm just not comfortable enough to let him watch me poop lol but he however is not shy about it at all, he'll leave the door open and poop, and fart in front of me! But if she is comfortable enough to leave the door open then more power to her lol I think its funny though

asquithpat 0

hide all the toilet paper including the new ones shell probobly buy when she realizes. if she cant wipe she cant shit. problem solved. (heres the part where u all applaud )

nancy_fancy 0

boo hoo! stop your b!t@h!n! and take it Like a man! girls $h!t too! you knw! jeez!

LMAO!!!!!! i gotta say, thats disgusting, but hilarious

jeez!! i cant even pee in a public bathroom! I LOCK the door.

What if someone's bathroom doesn't have a lock?

Who gives a shit? Unless she has recurring disgusting *****, I doubt you'd even notice unless you took note of her duration in there.