By Cpm - 01/12/2009 01:55 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend decided we are ready for the next step in our relationship. Apparently that next step is her taking a dump with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 505
You deserved it 5 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This can't be true. Everybody knows that girls don't poop. :P

You should sit on her lap and drop one between her legs. After that she will always close the door and lock it.


Why do women do this? You'll never get your man to go down on you if he sees what goes in and out of that thing before he gets there.

Are you suggesting that girls poop out of their vaginas? o_0

SillyPoop 0

HAHAHA, love this one. Makes Me Love my Boyfriend moooore! We hold conversations while doing business. But yes there has to be some privacy when comeing to wiping time. What comes next is accidentally leaving a big one for the other to see and used tampons not flushed...goodtimes.

sdcrazy1018 0

Um, don't you know you NEVER flush a tampon? Jeez

KayleeFrye 39

Whether or not you can flush tampons depends on what type of septic/sewer system you have. There are plenty of areas where you can safely flush tampons. It's only with certain systems that you can't flush them.

sdcrazy1018 0
perdix 29

Next time you see her crapping, start singing the "Super Duper Pooper" song. If that doesn't shame her into closing the door each and every time, you've got to get the hell out. If she sings along when she's defecating, you have to run out the door without your stuff and don't stop until your lungs are on fire.

I just did a youtube search on that. It made me LMAO. If you place both your hands on your knees and say "Are you poopin'? Who's poopin'? Whose a good girl poopin'? You are! You are!" as if talking to a puppy, it may discourage her leaving the door open or pooping in your presence ever again.

perdix 29

You can really take a big gamble and say, "Hey, why are you wasting that nice turd in the toilet? Bring that ol' Cleveland Steamer over here!" If she calls your bluff, you lose.

suesblues 0

If this truly is an FML for you, then you have had a remarkably easy life.

Carlos Mencia has a good insight on this situation (paraphrased): "Women, it is NEVER okay or acceptable to keep the door open when you're doing your business on the toilet! I don't wanna ever see that! I sometimes eat out of that restaurant, if you know what I'm saying."

quarty165 0

But it's perfectly acceptable for men, right? I'd love to be ur gf - oh no, I mean, "restaurant." sheesh, it's not like we're human or anything. And op, get over yourself. This is really not fml worthy.

Once again, it's Carlos Mencia (or whatever his real name is) and it kind of fits the theme of the FML. You're reading too much into it... ...and if I feel the need to take a dump in the open like that, I will. I don't care if you have a bunch of people over to hang out and drink. It's my house and I will defecate in the middle of the living room if I feel like it!

Oh my god, who the hell would EVER think that's ok? Even when my boyfriend and I are married I will never, EVER do that.

ive done that "think fast" thing before, they screech like mad xD