By doomed - 22/08/2009 17:46 - United States

Today, my fiancée, who believes in "sex after marriage" like me, told me she was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 405
You deserved it 6 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is it his own fault! its his belief and what he belived his GF belived in, so; what youse are basicaly saying is; he deserved it for being trusting. idiots.

adelaide_evening 0

I think this was supposed to be an FML because he was cheated on, not because he believes in sex after marriage. And you're being kind of an idiot with the whole "you deserve it for believing that". Not everyone has the same views as you. And the girl got pregnant not because the boyfriend was "holding out" on her, but because she is untrustworthy (or a two-faced *****, whichever way you wanna look at it).


Sex after marriage is like getting the best tasting cake in the world, and letting it sit to spoil all because you heard somewhere that someone you will never see(and most likely does not exist) will get mad if you eat the cake. This a total YDI. Stop reading books from the bronze age and taking the advice in those books. If you were looking to buy a car, would you not want to test drive the car before you bought it? On both sides getting married is like buying a car, only vastly more important. What would happen if you are into kinky stuff while your partner has no interest in sex? Odds are you are going to look elsewhere; it is biological drive. Sex before getting married would have solved the above problem. You would have found out she has no interest in sex and moved on to find someone who was into kinky stuff. You only have one life, enjoy it.

Seriously? You know, some people can CONTROL themselves and not bow to every biological whim they get. It's people's decisions to do what they want and assuming that just because they choose to do it they're definitely wrong doesn't make sense. A person is not a car- you can still talk about sex with them even if you don't actually do it. Some people choose to wait instead of letting their genitals think for them...that doesn't mean suddenly they're old-fashioned or stupid. You, on the other hand, are a presumptuous dick who seriously needs to mind their own goddamn business. Waiting isn't going to "spoil" the sex if you understand your partner. Some people make their own choices. Just because they aren't yours doesn't automatically make them wrong.

joshuaandcorey 0

and i bet you are one of those idiots who believes that you can change someone into being straight if they're gay i completly 100% agree pethegreat, marriage is like buying a car, and marriage is like a contract you've got to know the person in and out, you've got to try the person, love them in every sense of the word, be sure you can handle 90 years or so together, that's why i believe sex before marriage and that you should live together for at least 6 months before tying the knot and i say the OP deserves it cause he probably made her feel that she needed to say she believed in waiting too cause she probably thought that he would leave her if she told the truth and she couldn't keep herself bottled up anymore and slept with someone just to get the urge out, so she can keep up appearences for her man to the op-next time ask them their opinion before stating yours and don't make them feel like you're going to leave them if they're not "pure" and believe no matter what if a girl likes someone alot they'll do anything to get and keep that person

waterynuggets 0

Funny how you're basically doing the same thing by assuming people who don't "wait" **** all the time and keep up with the force don't stop don't stop 'til you get enounf UNF

naja_12168 3

Thank you number 74 for your intelligent response to number 70. We need more people who think like you on the planet. Some people have a strong sense of morals to go along with their strong self-respect for themselves and they are still able to "enjoy" their "one life" just fine number 70. Wow, some of these comments are scary.

Did I say I was religious? No. Did I say that people who don't wait are ******? No. I plan not to wait for marriage, just a stable, long relationship, but that's beside the point. My point is that some people choose to wait, there is nothing wrong with that, and you're an asshat for thinking less of them because of it.

Ahem... the second half of my post above was more directed toward you, 70, but I'll copy it here to make it more clear. "And sometimes sex is important, sometimes it's not. Assuredly, when you are in love with someone, there are things that attract you to them BEFORE you have sex. (Note: I said "when you are in love" or, if you have a crush... not if you are just plain intending to **** them as quick as possible). It seems to me, when you play Twister with them, and they're good, well that just makes them all the better. If they're not, oh well, you have the rest of them to enjoy, and they can practice. Practice with YOU. Think about that... if they really want to improve, that means lots of lovin' And really, anything negative about someone's performance CAN be fixed, so there's no "test driving" someone like a damned car. You shell out money to fix the car, but it costs nothing to fix the person... well, unless they have ED (guys) or ah.. whatever you call when you can't properly lubricate (girls). And of course toys can help too... but that's all a great deal cheaper than a car, and if you care about the person then it's no problem to help them, whether it's with some inability or with just plain getting better." And I am sure they would share with each other intimate thoughts, or touching, and so you would know if someone was into kinky stuff while the other wasn't. Kinky stuff is just a fetish, too, NOT required for sexual pleasure. If your partner had no sex drive whatsoever, (s)he would say so, too. That's uh, the point of being together, to SHARE...


Please I'm sorry She wanted it SO bad and I gave it to her I didnt know she was ur fiance. sorry.

RandomBlonde 0

Seriously? You do realize how pathetic and fake you sound for saying that right??

way better to find out now dude. you dodged a bullet.

melba_toast 0

THIS IS SO FAKE!! LOL DOESNT ANYONE WATCH TV ANYMORE?? THIS WAS ON AN EPISODE OF SCRUBS THAT AIRED LAST NIGHT! i mean yeah it could happen totally possible but the chances of it happening the day after that episode aired? highly unlikely!

The_Cait 0

Hi, asshole, the script wasn't ******* original. It's based on SITUATIONS THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE. This could very well be a bs FML, but shit like this happens all the time. If it DID happen to you, OP, then I'm sorry..that really sucks

chowyuk 0

maybe she meant no sex with you till marriage fyl

you ******* sucker! when some trick tells you she doesn't believe in sex before marriage she actually means she just isn't going to have sex with ******* retard....she was ******* some dude who probably treated her like total shit and you were kissing her ass and getting no ass!!! let me guess you are going to raise her bastard child now!!' ha ha sucka!!!

YDI for believing in that crap. There are many reasons why you shouldn't wait until you're married to someone to have sex with them, besides the fact that it's just plain creepy and disgusting.

Creepy and disgusting? That alone gives me reason to completely disregard your opinion.

You suck at trolling. Learn from a master, like me.

Whatevers_clever 0

You guys are morons. Not everyone who believes in sex after marriage is religious. A couple of my friends believe in that and most of them are non-religious/borderline Atheist. It's about knowing about the shit hole world we live in now and how many dirty people exist in it. You deserve an STD for whoring yourself around but at least some people have some morals and don't want to be passed around like low life ******. OP - sorry, your fiancée was a *****, there are other people in the world who respect your views. And btw, doesn't mean he forced her to believe it, he said "who believes in "sex after marriage" like me" not "who I forced to think like me."

I doubt he'd come right out and say "I forced her to think like me" anyway. +1 to the rest of your post, though.

sosadtoobadd 0

I highly doubt any of the FML'S anymore. But if this is true- then bravo for you for waiting for sex. And I hope you'll find a woman who will be faithful and honest to you.