By doomed - 22/08/2009 17:46 - United States

Today, my fiancée, who believes in "sex after marriage" like me, told me she was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 405
You deserved it 6 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is it his own fault! its his belief and what he belived his GF belived in, so; what youse are basicaly saying is; he deserved it for being trusting. idiots.

adelaide_evening 0

I think this was supposed to be an FML because he was cheated on, not because he believes in sex after marriage. And you're being kind of an idiot with the whole "you deserve it for believing that". Not everyone has the same views as you. And the girl got pregnant not because the boyfriend was "holding out" on her, but because she is untrustworthy (or a two-faced *****, whichever way you wanna look at it).


bob1124 0

Dump the bitch. Now. And **** her life. She's now stuck with a kid, or at least an abortion bill. Oh, and she just lost a fiance.

um i thought ur fiance( as in future groom) was pregnant fiancee is the future bride...

no no no.. string her along.. tell her you still love her. tell her you will stand by her. tell her you will look after the bastard kid and her THEN... kick her ***** ass out when its too late for her to stop it, laughs at her then walk away ;)

OP, you are NOT the father! Drop the slore and let her deal with it herself. Obviously she couldn't keep her legs together long enough to marry you. Now she has to pay the price for being a hypocrite.

YDI That whole waiting for marriage is bullshit.

marlux 0

idk wat to say because it could have been from you while you were asleep, hope its not the other thing were she got some other guys baby

xoxo_carween 0

imagine; she probably already got married before. :) had sex. divorced. & then is going to marry you while she has a baby. isn't that nice? haha. you're going to be a father soooo soon! ;D goodluck making this one look like you!

xD! Immaculate conception? If you're still hopelessly naive enough to believe in waiting until marriage to bonk, maybe you're naive enough to belief that shit too, hmm?

cactus_fml 0

Waiting until you're married to have sex isn't naive. It's just a choice. Some people do it, some don't. Now, thinking that if you have sex with someone they'll love you forever and ever, that is naive.

naja_12168 3

I just said the same thing to someone else. What exactly is naive about it? Nothing. It's called a PERSONAL CHOICE. Respect that other people feel differently than you do instead of insulting someone's beliefs or just plain agree to disagree.

annamg 0

Interesting how ignorant and intolerant some of you are. So what if some people wait until marriage... why do you care? How do their beliefs and choices affect you? Waiting works for a lot of couples, so stop moaning about something that shouldn't bother you, and is none of your business anyway.