By doomed - 22/08/2009 17:46 - United States

Today, my fiancée, who believes in "sex after marriage" like me, told me she was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 405
You deserved it 6 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is it his own fault! its his belief and what he belived his GF belived in, so; what youse are basicaly saying is; he deserved it for being trusting. idiots.

adelaide_evening 0

I think this was supposed to be an FML because he was cheated on, not because he believes in sex after marriage. And you're being kind of an idiot with the whole "you deserve it for believing that". Not everyone has the same views as you. And the girl got pregnant not because the boyfriend was "holding out" on her, but because she is untrustworthy (or a two-faced *****, whichever way you wanna look at it).


Ya at least you found out before the wedding.

celiaeatsballz 0

YDI for having outdated religious beliefs.

Very damn well said! YDI you should have ****** her like normal people do and at least the baby could have been yours.... still she is a *****. you'll be better off with a new gf (be sure to have sex with her!)

TulipLuver 0

You are judgmental #26. I too believe in sex-after-marriage and I'm agnostic. How dare you criticize someone on their beliefs. I would bet that you're a pre-pubescent 13 year old boy. What could you possibly know about sex?

wtf You deserve someone to punch you in the face for not being tolerant of what others believe and choose to do. People can do what ever he/she wants as long as that person isn't hurting anyone else in the process. I hate how people who've had premarital sex always go on to put down people who choose to wait. The reason a lot of people do this is because those people feel weak, insecure and guilty. They feel like they should put the person down for wanting to wait because they couldn't do it and are jealous and feel like it's crazy how someone could actually have self control and wait unlike them. People who still want to wait until the person is married usually don't ever put down others for having premarital sex and many times don't even expect their partner to be a virgin because they don't want to put down the choice he/she made.

Well let's see 26, and 32. Premarital sex risks the chance of having a baby which usually ends up with "Single parenting, abortions, and financial issues".

Miso_Soupu 0

Sex after marriage risks all those things too.

pickle561 0

I agree with you about people not being tolerant. I mean, everyone is different and, of course, not everyone believes in the same thing. But, how can you say that & then say that people who don't wait react a certain way because they are "weak, insecure and guilty"? I have no problem with which decision people make, but I certainly wouldn't assume that anyone that has had premarital sex feels that way. You said people can't believe that others could wait and that they are jealous, because they have no self-control when really it's often they just have other beliefs & wait until they feel it's the right time for them. I don't think it's right to say that people who don't wait tend to judge those who do and mock them, when really I've heard both sides judged. It make me soo mad to see someone stand up for one side & call the others ****** when both sides are equally right to do what they want. If you want to wait, good for you.. if you don't well that's cool for you too.

pickle561 0

Also, on a separate topic. For those who say you are "prude" and she needed to get some, I think that any good relationship should be built on a foundation of trust. Hopefully we should be honest with each other and let people know what we're looking for, other wise whats the point?? You can't say he was a sucker, because saying so means you think that anyone who believes what their significant other says is a fool. It sucks he had to go through this, FYL!

njrobots 0

#44 "You deserve someone to punch you in the face for not being tolerant of what others believe and choose to do. " "They feel like they should put the person down for wanting to wait because they couldn't do it and are jealous and feel like it's crazy how someone could actually have self control and wait unlike them" ??? You realize that calling people who have premarital sex "jealous" people who don't have self control is, in fact, intolerant. I'm not married; I have sex. Granted it's with my boyfriend of two years (we waited for 1 year until we felt we were ready and could provide the right forms of birth control. ie the pill and condoms), but regardless of whether it is in a relationship or not, as long as both people feel like they are ready for sex than it is OK. I don't feel guilty at all for being sexually active, and there is no reason that I should. I don't have a problem with people who wait until marriage; I don't think they are unreasonable prudes, it's their decision and I think it's great. This is tolerance, what is right for me may not be right for you and I respect that. But do not claim to be tolerant and then judge people for choosing a different lifestyle than you. If you think that is tolerance, than you are one confused cat.

It's a wonder, a miracle - God sent this present to you. ... sex after marriage - naive

Sex after marriage is smart because you have a better chance of financially taking care of it.

bexox 0

61 - I assume you mean take care of a child. Well, that is, if the couple waited to get married until they are financially secure. Many get married young, and have difficulty raising a child, so that does not mean marriage = financial security. Just FYI

naja_12168 3

Number 28, there is nothing naive about it. It's simply a personal choice many people choose to follow. Wow, talk about judging.

mehwhateverr 0

I'm sick of people saying YDI for people's beliefs. That is so stupid. OP, if she cheated on you FYL and dump her, please. She lied to you your whole relationship and was cheating on you. If she was raped or something, FbothofyourLs. Though, I'm sure it's not this one, because then it most likely wouldn't be an FML on here.

Oh wow, what a hypocrite. That's absolutely horrible... I hope she's your ex-fiancee now.

Wow, it must be rough to find out that your fiancée is already married to someone else. Maybe you both believe in "sex after marriage," but she evidently believes in polygamy as well.

Plexico, I was totally wrong about you. You're awesome.

acd23 0

LMAO, plexico, that was a huge win right there. But the people who say the OP's beliefs are "outdated" need to grow up. Just because he and his fiancee chose not to have sex just for the sake of having sex doesn't mean they are naive or stupid or old-fashioned. It's their decision, just like it's the decision of those who do have sex before marriage. The OP's fiancee is a hypocrite though, for having sex before marriage while saying she's going to wait. (or she's already married, like plexico suggested, lol)

the_commentator 0

Plexico: Ahaha, win. OP: Is your fiancé's name "The Virgin Mary" by any chance? :]

thegate 0

If she just cheated on you for no reason, then FYL. If you are one of those people who are so obsessed with and adamant about your belief in waiting, that she felt pressured to tell you that "she wants to wait too" when she doesn't really feel that way, then YDI for driving her away. Idc what your beliefs are about waiting, it's your choice, but be honest and open early in a relationship about it and don't make anyone feel ashamed to want sex without marriage. I also hope you don't end up married to someone with whom you are sexually incompatible

ALittleBirdToldM 0

aww]: im so sorry that ur fiance is a *****.