By rhartnett11 - 16/02/2011 12:56

Today, I woke up to a bloody nose. Instead of rushing to the bathroom, I creatively dripped the blood over a knife for photography class because the assignment was to show emotion. So many of the students and faculty were disturbed that I'm now forced to talk to the school psychologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 677
You deserved it 41 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrFancy 0

I thought that was a pretty good idea. Sorry.

That's actually a pretty good idea...too bad people are stupid and overreact all the time. -.-'


I bet it looked cool :) but you know how paranoid schools are these days soo.. fyl lol :)

MaximilianMarche 0

no we don't know how paranoid "these" schools are. why don't u tell us

PurpleWaffles 2

What I want to know is why there was a knife there.

well, the assumption is that there was a knife close to hand, as op woke up with a nosebleed and presumably would not have had time to get to the kitchen and select a knife. i keep plenty of sharp tools in my room for sculpture. x-acto knives, box cutters, razor blades, etc. some of them look pretty vicious, too.

PurpleWaffles 2

I'm sorry, I read it as that it was in the photography ROOM. I'm losing it.

they probably thought you cute your ear off.

Mokiikom_fml 8

#76: A joke about Van Gogh, probably.

#23 just because it was in holland the jury was high?

Yes. Don't you know we're all high here al the time? We put weed in our cereal and in our mashed potatoes. Then right before we go to bed we eat a special brownie. We can't sleep otherwise; there would be too many normal thoughts in our head, we can't handle that.

Lol. You should know better, anything dark will land you with a shrink in todays soceity of namby pampys who think every thing is sunshine and puppy dog tails.

I know I allmost got sent to the psyc ward for a scratch on my arm and they did a near full body search. Good thing they didnt find the cuts......

gabrielleangeliq 0

If the tails are separated from the puppy that's not happy.

January8 5

I shouldn't have laughed at that

sourgirl101 28

I believe everyone has a morbid side to a certain degree. The school just wants to find out if you're any threat to any of the other students including yourself. (For safety reasons) If you're not, then it's a few hours out of your life talking to the psychologist. You'd be surprised what you may find out about yourself, if you talk to a good psychologist. I've never meet anyone that never benefited from it.

Hi I'm Jack my phycologist screwed up my life by telling my teacher I am mentally disturbed and my teacher then told the class and I'm now an outcast before that I was a fine happy if not slightly gothic kid but now I am full blown emo so I now you have

Woke up with a bloody nose... They don't want to talk to you about the damn picture Skippy. This is an intervention for your cocaine problem.