By rhartnett11 - 16/02/2011 12:56

Today, I woke up to a bloody nose. Instead of rushing to the bathroom, I creatively dripped the blood over a knife for photography class because the assignment was to show emotion. So many of the students and faculty were disturbed that I'm now forced to talk to the school psychologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 677
You deserved it 41 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrFancy 0

I thought that was a pretty good idea. Sorry.

That's actually a pretty good idea...too bad people are stupid and overreact all the time. -.-'


brittybrat1165 5

I actually think this was a good idea blood looks really fascinating....but you should have done it another way without a knife or another threatening object..especially in if ur in college it shuda been ok..

amh721 0

Knife plus blood = insane psycho killer. That's just anyone's first reaction. Besides, how does it show emotion? It'sa bloody nose... Maybe you're not psycho, but that's still stupid.

You know, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to bring knives to school either. YDI

"Photography class". I'm pretty sure he/she made a picture of it.

Mokiikom_fml 8

Probably, considering how the schools are more and more stupid. A little kid got in trouble because he had toy soldiers and they had little plastic guns. The school went apesh*t on him. :-/

Don't worry, man. I did stuff like that in high school photography class, too. They freaked out, and in the end, it was no big deal. High schools take shit too seriously, sometimes. I did something even more violent in college for photography class. The difference a few years makes it astounding... It was seen as fine art in college.

davek 36

Another LOL SO EDGY AND DEEP teen gets owned. What did you expect?

goldieglock 5

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that's awesome ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I had that happen to me but it was for my creative writing class, they wanted us to write about something that happened in your past so I wrote what i thought was the best for that piece and had to see a psychiatrist until I was 18