By rhartnett11 - 16/02/2011 12:56

Today, I woke up to a bloody nose. Instead of rushing to the bathroom, I creatively dripped the blood over a knife for photography class because the assignment was to show emotion. So many of the students and faculty were disturbed that I'm now forced to talk to the school psychologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 677
You deserved it 41 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrFancy 0

I thought that was a pretty good idea. Sorry.

That's actually a pretty good idea...too bad people are stupid and overreact all the time. -.-'


that sucks!! Nowadays you can't express anger/fear etc. in any form without someone telling you "if you want to talk, my door is always open." talk about sucking the creativity out of me.... Will it ever be safe for us to mention blood, guns, violence, racism without appearing like we condone all of those things (*sigh wistful thinking)

doortje, haha tuurlijk weet ik dat, lekker toch?

notsofriendly 17

on one hand, that sucks. on the other, you should really know better. on the other, nobody really likes emo art anyway. yes i have three hands.

That really sucks. That happened to my bud when he used his name for a character that commited suicide on a short story test.

zach055 23

This is a perfect example of paranoid people making the world bad for the rest of us. "Blood on a knife is art, blood on the ground is art, and blood stains on clothes is the best art of all." -Unknown

zach055 23

I remember one time in my 9th grade English class, we had to write a poem. We could write about anything we wanted and I close death. After writing it, the teacher had everyone come up one at a time to read their poems. When it was my turn, I was so afraid of being labeled as crazy that I didn't read that poem. Instead I just said some stuff about flowers because flowers don't get you labeled as crazy. Watch the movie 6th Sense, in one part of the movie that boy talks about how he drew a picture of "a man stabbing another man with a screw driver." Then he goes on to say, "we had a meeting, mom was crying." Basically people used to draw pictures of guns all the time, but not that can get you arrested. I once heard of a kid who got suspended simply for typing, "How to kill and not get caught" into a Google search on a school computer. Also, you can't even fight kids anymore. In middle school kids would always bother me and it took every ounce of my will power to stop myself from punching them in the face. But if I had let that will power slip just once, i would have been sent to the 'alternative learning center" for two weeks where kids would have been more mean to me and I most likely would have led me to get into another fight, causing me to randomly should, "I'm gonna kill you," which would have caused me to go to jail for making a "death threat." This would have caused me to get into a jailhouse fight which would have caused some to stab me causing me to die. If I'd just had a little less will power I would be dead right now. I once knew a kid who was bullied just as badly as I was, I don;t see him anymore, what if this fate that could have happened to me happened to him?

mason_n97 0