By rhartnett11 - 16/02/2011 12:56

Today, I woke up to a bloody nose. Instead of rushing to the bathroom, I creatively dripped the blood over a knife for photography class because the assignment was to show emotion. So many of the students and faculty were disturbed that I'm now forced to talk to the school psychologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 677
You deserved it 41 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrFancy 0

I thought that was a pretty good idea. Sorry.

That's actually a pretty good idea...too bad people are stupid and overreact all the time. -.-'


mentalhotdog 0
Mokiikom_fml 8

More like random and stupid!! I worry for you if that's what you view as "witty"...

I actually agree that that was a good idea and want the picture for framing. Is shows real emotion so what's wrong with it?

Ninken94 3

Geez. Once in middle school i strategically pulled out two loose teeth at separate time intervals to miss class (they were baby teeth). Not only did i miss class, but i freaked out the nurses and all my classmates around me. Whatev, they're a bunch of *******. Anyway, **** those guys if they don't understand you're humor/thought process.

Maybe you should of thought it through first? Blood on a knife most likely means you murdered or hurt someone, or have depression and cut yourself, can't blame the school for being concerned.

I think it was a great idea. It could represent many emotions, rage~ therefore murder, hence the bloody knife, depression~ therefore suicide, hence the bloody knife, etc. Those may seem a bit dreary and drastic, but great nonetheless.

The humor is really just forced after a while

MaybeThisWasMean 0

I actually think that is very artistic . I would have explained maybe , or I'd laugh my ass off and be all like "dude chill . I'm an artist . At least I didn't bring a gun with all this shit on it . " screw them for being so stupid & brutal . lmao

*** the school! U can't teach creativity good job on ur assignment OP