By OmniVore - 25/02/2010 09:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with a great vegan guy in my class. We went to a vegi-restaurant, I dutifully ate all the meatless dishes, but he seemed pissed about something, and other diners kept giving me angry looks. After we left, I realised I'd worn my leather jacket to the date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 358
You deserved it 42 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

It's stupid though because just because you're vegan doesn't mean you hate leather. For all they know it's fake, so why would they take time out of their meal to stare at you?

zelly05 0

uhmm I'm sorry I think u deserved that..:( out of all the things u could have worn..but a leather jacket?? o.O


frickyourlives 0

Meat is murder, tasty, tasty murder.

"Loserly" your example of the cross makes no sense, as you stated and i quote "looks like you're throwing it in their face" but you'd have to be pretty dense to wear a cross-upside would most likely be done on purpose but OP DIDN'T do it on purpose, as stated by you again "she did it to impress his date". He chucked a spazz, actually wouldn't he noticed as they met up PRIOR to entering the establishment??? *letmeinplease* your comment makes no sense, you either hate vegans or you don't. You can't teepee toe around the situation. i.e "some treat it like a religion" of course they do, that's why they're called vegans NOT vegetarians. Their belief meat is murder or anything out of an animal like milk (which is lame because humans and animal consume milk and its part of biology thats why when a mammal gets pregnant they excrete milk) is considered wrong. i.e you CAN'T go respect them AND still eat meat, because if they feel eating meat is murder. so by saying SOME treat it like a religion is bull, you can't treat it any OTHER then like a religion or as you stated "fundamentalist". its an extremism in itself so don't be all two-faced saying vegans aren't bad but some are. HATE or LIKE pick one.

I have friends who are vegan that would never force those views on anyone, whereas my boyfriend has a friend who has to tell EVERYONE she is a vegan and acts like she's above people. (He'd get mad about that second part, but she's overbearing with it) There are people who can have their personal beliefs without being a bad person. To me, it's like in religion, there are those who have their own personal beliefs, and if you ask them about them, they will share. Inversely, there are those who force their religion upon you and tell you theirs is the only right way. Vegans are still people, and every person is different in how they deal with their views and relate them to other people. You can't stereotype and say that one group is all bad or all good.

Keep the jacket, dump the guy =) Besides, you respected his choice. He should respect yours also. So he's the jerk.

purplemnm 9

Pleather FTW! Actually pleather sucks, that shit gets flakey after awhile. Count me among the crowd that drapes dead skin over me for fashion reasons.

Maybe it was because you were raving about the lambskin condom you were looking forward to using after dinner.

YDI for being fake, get yourself down to Afflecks nao and sort some vegan-friendly clobber out.

cheergurlxx2 0

wait, is the OP gay? the OP is a guy, and he went on a date with a vegan GUY... anyways, i was just curious. Sucks for u OP :[[

yessirfosho 0

I suddenly got the ugre to walk into a vegan restaraunt and yell "GO MEAT" like in those hilshire farms commercials.

lmao. I totally imagined this and cracked up. if you do, I wanna record peoples reactions and put it on YouTube. :D

Shady_R 0

Way to stereotype everyone. For starters, the OP could have been imagining things. People really don't care about others that much to hate on them for wearing leather jackets to a vegan restaurant. Gluten free is a trend (come on, how many of you are really sensitive to gluten?) but vegetarianism isn't. Finally, congrats on the disgusting stereotypes you all perpetuate. People of all 'types' practice veganism for all sorts of reasons.

Giorgio272 2

pure awesome. I commend your efforts put the vegans in there place. bunch of deadbeat hippys, they should learn to embrace the "suits" and become one of us.