By OmniVore - 25/02/2010 09:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with a great vegan guy in my class. We went to a vegi-restaurant, I dutifully ate all the meatless dishes, but he seemed pissed about something, and other diners kept giving me angry looks. After we left, I realised I'd worn my leather jacket to the date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 358
You deserved it 42 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

It's stupid though because just because you're vegan doesn't mean you hate leather. For all they know it's fake, so why would they take time out of their meal to stare at you?

zelly05 0

uhmm I'm sorry I think u deserved that..:( out of all the things u could have worn..but a leather jacket?? o.O


You don't want to date someone who gets pissed off when people don't live life the same way they do. I mean, it sucks because you actually tried, and the jacket was an obvious thing, but do you really want to date someone so uptight?

blaaaaakely 0

i'm a vegetarian, and op's date sounds like a douche bag. #20 is absolutely right. fhl for being an overbearing tool, not yours, op.

Even if animal's aren't less than humans, it doesn't mean we can't use their products, i.e. dairy and eggs. Chickens are going to get rid of those eggs either way, doesn't matter if we happen to eat them or not. I'm currently dating a vegetarian while I still eat meat, but at least he can still eat bread and pasta and god knows what else that a vegan couldn't... I can't even imagine eating meals together with a vegan all the time. If he gets pissed about the jacket, is he going to get pissed about you eating tasty animals in front of him?

@Frankiefan - Vegans can still eat pasta, they just can't eat 'fresh' pasta, 'cause that sometimes has eggs in. Just a quick point. Also, a point in general there is more than one reason people become vegans, it's not all about cruelty against animals. It could be for environmental reasons, or economical, meat is more expensive than veg, or at least, it is here.

You could have stopped with "I went on a date with a great vegan guy". By the way, vegans are delicious. Medium rare.

You could have told him it was fake... although lying seems... cruel.

welderchick87 0

Just tell him it's fake, and then never wear it around him again. One little lie isn't going to hurt anything.

Malinkrot 3

I have no problem with vegans or vegetarians, but I hate when some vegans try to force their views on people. It's usually the 20 something "hipsters" who have mommy and daddy's money to blow on all that expensive vegan crap. Not all of us can afford vegan food and special eco-friendly furniture, clothes, appliances, etc. That stuff is expensive. There was an article in my college's newspaper about some new vegan cafe opening, where the cheapest dish was $17. Sorry, I'll stick to a steak and potato dinner. Which hasn't caused me any weight problems; I'm 5'1 and 105 pounds.

blubedy 0

vegans are annoying they always have something to say about the way other people live but when it comes to them then you shouldnt say anything because its their beliefs .NO ONE CARES ITS A GOOD THING YOU WORE THE LEATHER JACKET

for ****'s sake stop believing everything peta says

What torture? If the cow is going to die for meat anyways, why not use the skin? It would be wasteful not to! Besides, leather lasts a long time, especially if cared for properly. It's not like a $50 t-shirt from Hollister made in a sweatshop that falls apart after being worn twice and ends up in a landfill. Or even ends up in a landfill because the font is SOOOOOO last-season. Not to mention, cows burp methane gas which supposedly leads to "global warming", therefore eating them and wearing their skin saves the ozone layer. So really, leather is completely environmentally-friendly material. :)

I don't think it was the jacket, I think it was probably wrong to whip out that bag of beef jerky chop it up and sprinkle it on your meal to make it taste good.

Oh, PLEASE. If you're going to kill an animal for food or whatever, you might as well use all of it, including the skins/furs. At least it's not going to waste.

Don't be silly, nobody sprinkles beef jerky on their food! What did the OP in was BACON BITS.