By OmniVore - 25/02/2010 09:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with a great vegan guy in my class. We went to a vegi-restaurant, I dutifully ate all the meatless dishes, but he seemed pissed about something, and other diners kept giving me angry looks. After we left, I realised I'd worn my leather jacket to the date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 358
You deserved it 42 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

It's stupid though because just because you're vegan doesn't mean you hate leather. For all they know it's fake, so why would they take time out of their meal to stare at you?

zelly05 0

uhmm I'm sorry I think u deserved that..:( out of all the things u could have worn..but a leather jacket?? o.O


grimpow_fml 0

Right # 177. The rednecks of this country are the ones clamoring for coats and furs all for the sake of looking good. Come on... really? And it's not torture. The cows aren't put on the rack before they're stunned.

if apfluxx is trying to make vegans seem less annoying, she's doing the opposite.

so what...? why are there so many mental patients not locked up these days?

Emmmmm55 0

U NEED TO STOP! stop making fun of vegans and vegatarians I'm one so u need to stop just bc I don't eat poor innocent animals! we don't need to eat meet to survive I get plenty of protien!

**** vegans. you can't trust anyone that denies nature like that. they're always ******* as well and always look like they're about to fall over dead

The OP probably wasn't going to get laid anyway. The guy he went out with sounds like a vegansexual.

_kali_ 0

OP didn't deserve it. Vegan is not someone who is against wearing animal products. I was Vegan and I still wore animal products. Vegan is someone who doesn't eat animal products. Simple.

I think you subconsciously wore the jacket because you don't want to date a vegan. I don't blame you and besides you shouldnt give up eating what you like for someone else. if he doesnt like you eat meat tell him to eat a ****** hamburger.