By OmniVore - 25/02/2010 09:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with a great vegan guy in my class. We went to a vegi-restaurant, I dutifully ate all the meatless dishes, but he seemed pissed about something, and other diners kept giving me angry looks. After we left, I realised I'd worn my leather jacket to the date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 358
You deserved it 42 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guckylynn 19

It's stupid though because just because you're vegan doesn't mean you hate leather. For all they know it's fake, so why would they take time out of their meal to stare at you?

zelly05 0

uhmm I'm sorry I think u deserved that..:( out of all the things u could have worn..but a leather jacket?? o.O


ok so youre a dude, and you went on a date with another guy? are you, by any chance, GAY?

well, clearly. what's your point? and OP, just say it was fake? loads of fake uns look real now.

catiredan 0

vegans are sub-human. at least date a vegetarian. you dodged a bullet if he never called you back.

I was going to say YDI for going out with such a fag, but since you're gay that would be insensitive. So instead YDI for going out with a retard who thinks non-sentient animals deserve rights.

You shouldn't be dating male vegans, female ones (if you're straight) usually kinda accept your own life choices, or vegetarian guys

if he's super-vegan, chances are you guys wouldn't have clicked whether you wore leather or not...i mean it's practically a religion to some of them and they can get all militant about it. would you rather have found out on the first date or been in a relationship for a year following his lifestyle just to keep him happy?

YDI for being a ******, real men eat meat. (And Pussy!)

Babushka_Homyak 10

sucks. don't date judgemental people.

texas_justice 0

...wear what you like, eat what you like. be who you are. trade up from that nice vegan guy to a nice guy. you are interested in some jackass who does not approve of your perfectly normal lifestyle. you can do better. ...btw, leather jacket at a vegan restaurant, that's so funny, I wish I'd done that.

i know, right? i wonder what they'd do if i wore a fur coat and some uggs