It's called fashion

By anonymous - 04/05/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I went into work to set up a new store. There was a lot of lifting so I dressed casual. This happened to be the day the owner brought in his conservative family to check out the store. I was wearing a shirt that says "Everyone Poops" and has a donkey and elephant pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 437
You deserved it 60 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KwitIt 0

I mean, I understand wanting to dress casual... but isn't there kind of a line somewhere between casual and inappropriate?

Why would you even buy a t-shirt like that?


Yeah, I'm with everyone else. Wearing that to work was just a bad idea all around... Way to go, YDI

Do conservatives oppose pooping? Now if it said "Powered by the souls of aborted baptist babies" I could see that being slightly upsetting.

BabyHuey 0

Just trying to grasp did the donkey or the elephant shit on him? Cause either way he's gotta be pissed!

you TOTALLY deserved it, for paying money for such a stupid shirt and for wearing it in public, to a job no less. also, insert wit here - there's a spectrum of business appropriate attire. of course he wasn't expected to wear a suit and tie! but i'm pretty sure that nowhere on that spectrum would a grown, smart adult say t-shirts about feces belong. once upon a time there was a difference between funny and stupid.

Just because you're moving stuff and are allowed to dress casually doesn't mean you shouldn't dress appropriately for work. YDI.

lamesauce2 0

I have the same shirt...haha. I love it.

deaditegirl 0

There's a difference between casual and not work-appropriate. Figure it out. Also, get better shirts.

blankslate 0

Threadless tees eh? Nice. :)

Lmao! I think that's an awesome shirt. ... Hopefully they're not stuck up bitches?